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Thank you so much for your
personal in
The Plain Truth.
turned my whole day around.
The whole day 1 was sluggish
until 1 read your column while
waiting for the train to go
home . My at titude changed
from downbeat to exultation.
You write so profoundl y and
yet so plainly.
Mark Gannon
Maspetb, New York
Terrorism is justified by
sorne historical wrong.
ates by infticting pain and death
on innocent bystanders.
shelters itself among more
innocent bystanders.
ftees for
sanctuary to still more bystand–
ers, more or less innocent. And
it depends on the humanitarian
restraints of its victims, al–
though it proudly denies having
any such restraints itself.
Alfred B. Mason
Hydesville, Calif.
Your article on evolution
about the "eye" could be the
dead-end road for evolutionists–
Frank P. Barrot
The Thinkers Club
San Diego, Calif.
A Prisoner Speaks
As a subscriber, 1 am trea–
suring al! the copies sent free
The Plain Truth.
The spiri-
What Our Readers Say
tual, educational and informa–
tive ideas help and console me
much inside the dungeon where
1 am staying throughout my
whole life.
Gerson J . Viloria
Metro Manila
Nuclear War
In your
Plain Truth
" Humanity Won't End in a
Nuclear Holocaust;" there were
sorne gross errors regarding the
effects of a one-megaton nu–
clear explosion.
Mr. Snyder says that the
nuclear fireball would consume
everything within 280 square
mi les. That's about
miles in
every direction. According to
the [U.S.) Federal Emergency
Management Agency, the max–
imum fireball radius of a one–
megaton blast is only .7 of a
mile. and the crater diameter is
.24 mi les.
Mr. Snyder goes on to say
"after the terminal effects the
blast wave would natten re–
maining st ructures within 4.5
miles." The Federal Emergen–
cy Management Agency says
that up to three miles severe
damage [would occur) to com–
mercial-type buildings.
The point is-our [U.S.) cit–
ics are not like what Hiroshima
[Japan) was like, a city mainly
composed of wood, pape r
screens and bamboo.
1 wish you wou ld give your
sources' for the data you gave in
this article about the effects of
a one-megaton nuclear blast. 1
will say 1 enjoyed the remain–
der of the article.
J immy Clay
Rogers, Arkansas
We'd be glad ro.
senior writer Michae/ A.
Snyder interviewed Dr. He/en
M. Caldicott in January. /982.
at the American Association
for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS) Convention in
Washington. D.C.
Senior writer Snyder also
inter viewed governrnent and
mi/itary analysts for back–
ground information at the
same convention and attended
the seminar "Biological and
Health Effect s of Nuclear
lndustry and Weapons: a Cur–
rent Evaluar ion. " lt wás pre–
sented by Dr. Stuart
of the Rutgers Medica/
School; Dr. Robert J. Lifton of
Ya/e University; Dr. Herbert
Abrams of the Harvard Medi–
ca/ School; Dr. Bernard
Feld of the Massachusetts
lnstitute of Technology; and
Dr. Caldicott.
Also consulted was John A.
Jewe/1. a witness to the British
nuclear device explosions in
the South Pacific.
In addition, dozens of
related books and articles were
reviewed, incfuding
The Fate of
the Earth
by Jonathan Schell.
Soviet Strategy for Nuclear
by Joseph D. Douglass Jr.
and Amoretta M. Hoeber,
Nuclear War: the Facts on Our
by Peter Goodwin.
London After the 8 omb
lished by the Oxford Universi–
ty Press.The
lslamic 8omb
Steve Weissman and Herbert
Krosney. severa / other refer–
ences that included the Federal
Emergency Managemellt Agen–
cy's material and
The Effects
of Nuclear War
by the U.S.
O.ffice of Technofogy Assess–
The point of the article. as
stated. was not "to list for our
readers al/ of the horrors of
nuclear war." The description
presemed was a composite of
the material reviewed.
Through research.
The Plai n
found that the material
presented by the Federal
Emergency Management Agen–
cy was criticized as being mis–
leading. Sorne government per–
sonnel incerviewed said the
material you quoted did not
accurat ely reflect the real
effects of nuclear war.
But, as stated. that's not the
point. As the U.S. Office of
Technology Assessment said in
its report: "Throughout al/ the
variat ions . possibili ti es and
uncertainties .
one theme is
constant: that nuclear war
wou/d be a catastrophe." (A
chart summarizing nuclear
blast effects determined by the
0./fice's report appears on page
Nuclear War: the Facts
on Our Survival.
This document confirms the
accuracy of the material pre–
sented in
The Plai n Truth.
(what God says) as a basic source
of knowl edge. Do they believe
there was a flood in the days of
the dry floor of the sea. 1n his
Word, God says the walls of the
water returned, covering and
drowning Pharaoh and his army.
But can you find that in the
ancient history texts? They don't
believe what God
between groups, between nat ions.
But men do not believe
what God
and so we have no peace.
God says there was, but they do
not believe what he says! What
about higher education? God says
the waters of the Red Sea parted ,
and the lsraelites walked across on
Ap ril 1983
God shows us the way to world
peace- peace between individuals,
God shows us the way to peace,
happiness, prosperity in abundance
and eterna! life as his gift. But
men, except for the
few, don't
believe what God says! l nstead,
humanity suffers on!