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to them why you huy the things
you do. Teach them to get the most
for their money.
The Plain Truth
has long admonished readers to huy
the best quality--of any item-that
is. affordable. This applies to every–
thing from good wholesome food to
fi ne durable clothing.
When dealing with preschool–
ers-4 to 5 years old- beg in to
teach them how to count money.
Teach the importance of giving and
receiving the proper change.
As your child g rows older he will
have been exposed to money and
the things it can huy. Now is the
time tó consider an allowance.
It is important to sit down with
your ehi ld and Jet him help deter–
mine his allowance with you. This
will help him learn t he rudiments
of budgeting.
One import ant consideration · in
providing an allowance is to be con–
sistent. After all, fewadults would
like to have erratic incomes.
The benefits of an allowance are
twofold. Fi rst, a regular allowance
can eliminate children's attempts to
manipulate their parents to get
money or gifts. And second, chi l–
dren who are given allowances tend
to be careful spenders.
Later on, discuss the advantages
of a savings account with your teen–
agers. Help t hem plan sorne finan–
cia! goals: perhaps for a bicycle, a
stereo, a vacation or college.
Finally, involve the whole family
in the household's budgeting pro–
cess. This will help your children
learn about budgeting, as well as
give t hem a clear idea of t hei r fam–
ily's financia! picture. The latter
experience can ehcourage family
unity in times of financia! crisis and
help chi ldren understand the adult
financia! world much better.
lf t hese few suggestions are fol–
lowed or adapted to your particular
situation, then when your child
takes his first summer job, he will
be better prepared to handle the
money he will earn. He will have
had years of experience in building
wise spending, budgeting and sav–
ing habits. And you will have the
satisfaction of having given your
chi ld a good foundation of financia!
knowledge. That knowledge will
help your child deal with his future
and avoid t he financia!· pitfalls that
have ensnared so many today. o
(Continued from page 14)
for farmers, that can offer fa ir
credit systems, t hat can provide fai r
and honest administ ration and han–
dling of money, that can supply the
needs of rural development.
Agricultural d evelopment is a
long-term project.
outlasts the
few years most office holders keep
their jobs. Sound agricu ltura !
development needs stability of gov–
ernment to ensure its success.
Unfortunately governments and
human b e ings a re locked in
competitive and antagonistic politi–
cal systems. All nations are torn
with sorne form of racial st rí fe and
social d ivisions, with animosity, dis–
trust, confus ion, ignorance and
self-interest. Vast d efense prepara–
tions, enormous bureaucracies and,
too often, corruption waste billions
of dollars that could meet the criti-
ca! needs of agriculture.
Imagine what could be done in a·
cooperative world at peace with
money now spent for arms to solve
the world's food and agriculture
problems. Sel fi sb att itudes and
ways of living have put all nations
under a curse.
Resp onsíbility of Wealthíer
ealthier nations now waste vast
sums of money and technology on
nonessential self- indulgences, on
trivia to satisfy every whim or
appetite stimulated by modero
advertis ing. A fraction of this mon–
ey and effort, if devoted to efficient
agricultura! research and develop–
ment in hungry lands, could help
many needy peoples feed them–
And measurable results would be
quickly forthcoming. Modero false
materialistic values and greedy eth–
ics have caused many to lose all
sense of social responsibility and
is true, sorne areas of the earth
cannot produce much more food.
Many marginal Jands cannot sup–
po rt the growing po pul at ions
forced to live on them because of
recent wars and human confticts.
Or because of generaÜons of bad
farming practices, or poor weather
or lack of sufficient water. Many
nations need to rapidly bring down
birth rates further. And develop
new lands for agricul ture. In these
areas there is no easy bailout.
But in other areas there is sti ll
time. But will the nations use it?
Bible prophecy says, No!
Yet a solution is coming!
The Real Solutíon
The good news is the world curse
on agriculture will be lifted . An
astounding agricul t ural revolution
is laid bare in the pages of your
God 's plan for agr icu ltura!
reform begins with the reestablish–
ment of the government of God
over the earth.
includes free pro–
ductive land for all. And proper
credit for rural development. And
bounteous weather, rainfall and
peace to develop prosperity. These
are guaranteed-to those who are
diligent to obey God's laws .
"And it shall come to pass in the
last days, that the mountain of the
Lord's house [God's government]
shall be established in the top of
the mountains [nat ions] ... and all
nations shall ftow unto it.
"And many people shall go and
say, Come ye, and Jet us go up to
the mountain of the Lord ... and
he will teach us of his ways, and we
will walk in his paths.... And he
[Christ] shall judge among the
nations, and shall
people: and they shall beat their
swords [military hardware] into
plowshares, and t heir spears into
pruninghooks: nation shall not lift
up sword against nation, neither
shall they learn war any more"
(lsa. 2:2-4).
And more wonderful news! "The
wil derness a nd tbe solitary
place . .. and the desert shall
rejoice, and bl ossom as the
rose.... in the wilderness shall
waters break out, and streams in
t he desert. And the parched ground
shall become a pool, and the thirsty
land springs of water . . ." (Isa.
35:1, 6-7).
" Behold, the days come, saith
'the Lord, that the plowman shall
overtake t he reaper, and the treader
o f grapes him that soweth
seed ... " (Amos 9:13-14) .
God speed t hat happy solution to
the world food and agricultura!
crisis! o