precedes Nostradamus by
slave girl possessed with a
and his demons regard
100.000 Parisians regularly
many centuries. warns
spirit of divination met us.
themselves under no
consult more than 6,000
against this type of
who brought her masters
obligation to speak truth!
astrologers! The same
consultation. The Holy Bible.
much profit by
God marks Satan as the
bureau said that more than
a source often overlooked,
fortune-telling" (RAV).
father of lies (John 8:44).
34,000 fortune-tellers
reveals the existence of a
We are commanded:
The Bible reveals that God
receive more than the
hidden dimension- a
"Give no regard to mediums allows "lying spirits " to
equivalent of $120 mil/ion
dimension inhabited by spirit and familiar spirits; do not
possess those who proclaim annually for their services!
seek after them, to be
themselves prophets (I.Kings
This is an incredibly costly
In charge of the world of
deñled by them:
am the
practice-regardless of
spirits stand God the Father. Lord your God" (lev. 19:31,
Their modus operandi is
where it occurs.
Jesus Christ and an
usually, as in Nostradamus'
But this practice is
innumerable company of
Few realize that demons
case, to predict certain
particularly dangerous in
powerful angels. In
are committed to the
small instances to occur in
Europe, where people are
opposition-and permitted
spiritual destruction of
the future.
looking for urgent
to influence the minds of
mankind! They are
As soon as they've
answers-where the
mortal humans-the Bible
unalterably opposed to
established a measure of
ever-present danger of war
reveals a group of
God's way of lite and to
credibility, they immediately
hovers malevolently. Little
miserable, cunning,
man's incredible
put forth confusing
wonder people grasp
competitive spirit beings led
potential-that of literally
prophecies intentionally
whatever clues they can find
by a spirit known in the Bible becoming the sons of God!
difficult to understand that
to the future.
as Adversary or Satan.
The Bible reveals that God
lead away from God's
Happily, the future of the
The apostle Paul identifies has adopted a basic
revealed purpose.
whole world of humanity is
Satan as "the god ot this
hands-off policy in human
The Costs of the Occult
authoritatively revealed in
age" (11 Cor. 4:4, RAV).
affairs for a period of 6,000
the Bible. Pick up a copy
Compare this with
years. The first human
Latest available figures show and read it!
Nostradamus' quatrain
beings wanted it that way!
that multiple millions are
We have two free
saying that "the god sits
They didn't want God telling
spent on divination.
booklets that you need to
nearby" -a being
them how to direct their
astrology and other occult
read. Write immediately for
Nostradamus thought to be
lives. God only intervenes
free copies of the booklets.
the Holy Spirit of God.
now as it suits his divine
In France. divination has
Why Were you Born? and
But what the Holy Spirit of purpose for man.
been officially banned for
The Book of Revelation
God does reveal in the Bible
Equally, few understand
more than a century. In this
Unveiled at Last. This
is a world of spirit
that God no·w permits Satan
homeland of Nostradamus,
literature is free of charge
beings-today known as
and his demons sorne
in 1945 the official penalty
and writing for it involves no
demons-who attempt to
freedom to innuence and
was increased for habitual
further obligation. We offer it
declare the future through
control, in varying degree,
offenders of this prohibition
free in the public interest.
willing humans! Take the
human events (Job 1:6-12) .
to eight days imprisonment.
There is real truth
example recorded in Acts
You had better
Yet, according to the
available in this confused
16:16: " Now it
understand this!
French National lnstitute of
world. God help you to
happened ... that a certain
God reveals that Satan
Statistics, more than
understand it!
What does God command? aid has led to sorne curious and
widely varied versions of his qua–
which among other inaccurate
prophecies, predicts: "From the
time 1 am writing this [in 1555],
years, 3 months and
days, by pestilence, long famine
" Give
no regard
to mediums and
familiar spirits .. ." (Lev. 19:31,
So we see that Nostradamus'
claims to divine assistance in his
divination are
Testlng and Proving
The other major criticism of Nos–
t-radamus is that his predictions are
impossible to interpret accurately
the .event has passed!
One author of a Nostradamus
interpretation admits: "As far as is
known, Nostradamus did not leave
a 'key' to bis predictions.
he did,
it has certainly been lost. ... The
need of having to interpret his pre–
dictions without the help of such an
April 1983
Further, many of Nostradamus'
predictions are simply
In 1564, almost a decade after
the first published edition of
Nostradamus predicted
a full life of 90 years for French
king Charles IX. The king died a
years later at the young
age of 24.
In book VI, verse 62, of
Nostradamus predicted
a 16th-century ltalian league
against France. Jt never material–
Twentieth-century editíons of
True Centur.ies
for the most part
conveniently leave out the preface,
and wars ... the world between
this day ... shall be diminished and
its population so reduced that there
will hardly be hands enough to
attend to agriculture."
Any history student knows that
years later in 1732, Europe–
far from being diminished-was
busy colonizing and developing vast
Only a few decades later, the
Industrial Revolution-not , inci–
dentally, predicted in any form by
Nostradamus- would catapult the
British peoples and later the United