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Keith W. Stump
Can you "make contact" with dead relatives and friends? Here is an
eye-opening look at a topic that has intrigued millions!
we received a
curious tape recording
from a
Pla in Truth
The unusual recording pur–
ports to contain excerpts from
·actual voice conversations
persons who have d ied and
"passed into the hi gher
This two-way, telephone-like
communication was reputedly ac–
complished by means of an elec–
tronic instrument invented by a
group of American scientists and
psychic investigators.
Many of you have probably seen
newspaper or magazine articles
about this al leg! d "breakthrougb. "
Sorne may have heard the actual
recordings. A few have written to
The Plain Truth
asking about this
extraordinary device.
Is this- at Iast- concrete evi–
dence of the continuance of con–
scious personality after death? Are
the voices of the
not ,
what are they?
And what about "mediums" and
"seances"? Can they really provide
us wi th a
ink to the dead?
Invisible Hands
Few questions are as vitally impor–
tant as that of man's ultimate desti–
ny .
l s
there a li fe beyond the
grave? 1f so, is it possible to com–
municate with those who have
"passed over"?
April 1983
Yirtually all civilizations s ince
the beginning of history have pos–
sessed sorne form of belief in an
a fterlife. And not surpr isingly,
attempts to communicate with the
dead go back to earliest antiquity.
The belief t hat the spirits of
those who have "passed over" can
make contact with the living is
known today as
Modern spirit ism had its
birth in Hydesville, New York, in
the middle of the last century–
specifically, March 31, 1848.
l t is an interesting story. For sev–
era! nights, mysterious rappings
and strange noises had kept the Fox
family awake. As far as John Fox
could determine, the d isturbing
sounds could not be attributed to
mice, rats or the wind. History is
full of " haunted houses" of this
type. But in this case, events took a
unique turn.
On March 31, J ohn Fox's two
young daughters playfully issued a
to the noises- a chai–
Ienge to
their own patterns
of raps. Remarkably, their exact
tapped out by invisible hands! The
Fox sisters had established a
with the unseen presence
causing the noises!
They then asked the presence
questions that could be answered
"yes" (one rap) or "no" (two raps).
The presence willingly supplied
Painstaking sessions employing
various types of codes enabled the
Fox sisters to acq uire detail ed
information about the presence.
Amazingly, it claimed to be the
spirit of a dead peddler, Charles B.
Rosma, murdered many years ear–
lier in the basement of the cottage
now occupied by the Fox family!
For one reason or another, he had
apparently been delayed in his
progress into the " next world. "
News of the goings-on in the Fox
house spread rapidly, creating con–
siderable stir. Neighbors were
invited in to hear the "conversa–
tions." Many became convinced
that the Fox sisters were in actual
contact with the dead.
Modern spiritism was born.
Within a few decades, the con–
troversia! movement had gained
millions of followers around the
g lobe. Among them were many
famous personages, such as Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle-creator of
the fictional detective Sherlock
H olmes-and Sir William
Crookes, the Engl ish physicist.
Messages from the " Other Side"
Death, the spiritists declared, is
merely a door to continuing life–
in the "spirit world ." Moreover,
they said , we can establish commu–
nication with those on the "other
side. "
This contact is usua lly made
through the agency of a medium at
a seance. A seance (French for "a
si tting") is a meeting for the pur–
pose of obtaining spiritistic phe–
nomena. The medium (usually a