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What Our Readers Say
Jordan's King Hussein
Omitted from discussion of
the West 'Bank Palestinian
problem in the article "Jordan's
King Hussein Searching for
Peace" are Jordan 's rejection,
in 1948, of the U.N.-mandated
Palestinian state on the West
Bank and its subsequent annex–
ation and occupation, until
1967, during which time the
Jordanians refused to extend
self-rule, in any form, to the
West Bank Palestinians....
and Jordan's refusal to enter
into the Camp David process in
this, the twenty-third hour ,
adjourning the Palestinian
question, once again, to the
vagaries of the future.
Leonard Fink
Director of l nformation
American Zionist Federation
New York City, New York
What ls a Christian?
Most Christians today do not
want to know too much about
the Bible since it will increase
their Christian obligations. and
they want to hold on to Christ
(Continued from page 5)
majority in parliament. The
new prime minister faces
enormous difficulties and
challenges. As a supporter
of a stronger Japanese
defense program, he will
have to confront serious
opposition by antimilitary
elements. Defense spending
has long been a contentious
issue in Japan.
On the day of his
inauguration, the new prime
minister reiterated his pledge
to beef up his country's
March 1983
with their left, or weaker hand ,
and the world with the right
Víctor E. Viau
Essex, Missouri
Where in the World . . . ?
Your article "Where in the
World ...
really had some–
thing important to point out. In
school, geography was lumped
in with social studies. About a
year ago 1 put up a large map
on the wall in the dining area
by the table where my husband
and 1 can see it. We frequently
get into discussions about
something on that map.
absolutely true what you have
stated about the knowledge of
"geography making current
events come alive."
Julie Wilkins
Bra nscomb, California
1 wish to commend you on
the article on geographical il–
literacy ("Where in the
World .. .
Not only did it
address an alarming problem
which 1 confront dai ly as a high
school social studies teacher,
defense and said that
Japan's no-war
constitution- which bans the
maintenance of armed
forces - needs to be
rewritten. He believes his
nation's defense efforts have
been inadequate, and says
Japan must gain the
capability to defend its own
air space and sea lanes.
"1 believe ," he has
declared, "that true
independence is impossible
as long as a nation chooses
to depend in large measure
on the military power of
another country for its own
security." This does not
but it also presented me with a
valuable teaching device.
intend to use the "error-filled"
world map to test the geograph–
ical knowledge of students.
might prove quite interesting to
test my fellow colleagues. My
only regret is thal your map is
not available as a wall size map
which could be displayed prom–
inently in the classroom. lt
might be something for you to
Paul Rorvig
Social Studies Teacher
Car rollton, Missouri
Correspondence Course
1 have been receiving and read–
The Plain Truth
since Janu–
ary of this year, and must confess
that 1 am deeply impressed by
the message which it seeks to
convey to the world. 1 would like
to know much more about the
prophecy element in the Bible.
Would you please enroll me in
the Correspondence Bible Study
F.W. Briddes
Gaborone, Botswana
imply a desire for a
go-it-alone military policy for
Japan - just a greater
degree of
Prime Minister Nakasone
will undoubtedly bring a new
style of leadership to the
nation's top office- higher
profile, plus lessened
reliance on the traditional
policy of consensus-making,
whereby decisions are
reached through overall
agreement by a large circle
of leaders. He has written
that "the traditional tools of
consensus politics cannot
cope with the many
was with great excitement
that 1 completed the first les–
son, and l'm already looking
forward to the others that may
follow. On studying my first
lesson, 1 learned amongst other
things how important it is to
refer to each scripture in the
Bible, and 1 never knew it. 1
wish to thank you very much
for all the literature l've
received and above all the Bible
Course first lesson.
Celia De Castro
J ohannesburg, R.S.A.
New Readers
1 never go to church or read
the Bible, the latter being rather
difficult to understand. But the
way you explain it in modern lan–
guage is most fascinating and a
far cry from the wishy-washy
sentimentality one finds so often.
Even my son (still at school and
we are German speaking on top
of it), took to
The Plain Truth
like a duck to water. Please re–
new my subscription.
Mrs. A. Schleiff
Malta hohe
challenges of our
complicated age. . .
[Consensus-making] can slow
down decision-making until,
on many occasions, the final
decision comes too
A government led by Mr.
Nakasone will unquestionably
display a new, more
clear-cut type of personal
leadership. No one doubts
that he will actively pursue
Japan's national interest as
he sees it, bringing his strong
personality to bear on the
many issues confronting !he
- Keith