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be cast off again-permanently and
forever the headquarters of the
government of God.
lsaiah prophesied, "Comfort ye,
comfort ye my people, saith your
God. Speak ye comfortably to Jeru–
salem, and cry unto her, that her
warfare is accomplished, that her
iniquity is pardoned: for she hath
received of the Lord's hand double
for all her sins. Behold, the Lord
God will come with strong hand, and
his arm shall rule for him: behold ,
bis reward is with him, and bis work
before him. He shall feed his flock
like a shepherd: he shall gather the
lambs with bis arm, and carry them
in his bosom, and shall gently lead
those t hat are with young" (Isa.
40:1-2, 10-11).
· Yet another of God's prophets
foretold the wonders to come, "But
in the last days it shall come to pass,
t hat the mountain of the house of the
Lord shall be established in the top
of the mountains, and it shall be
exalted above t he bilis; and people
shall ftow into it. And many nations
shall come, and say, Come, Jet us go
up to the mountain of the Lord, and
to the house of the God of Jacob; and
he will teach us of his ways, and we
wi ll walk in his paths: for the law
shall go forth of Zion, and t he word
of the Lord from Jerusalem" (Mic.
Notice what Zechariah saw for
the near futu re, "And his [Jesus
Christ's) feet shall stand in that day
upon the mount of Olives, which is
before J erusalem on the east, and the
mount of Olives shall cleave in the
midst thereof toward the east and
toward t he west, and there shall be a
very great valley; and half of the
mountain shall remove toward the
north, and half of it toward the
south.... And the Lord my God
shall come, and all the saints with
thee... . And it shall be in that day,
that living waters shall go out from
Jerusalem; half of them toward the
former sea, and half toward the hin–
der sea: in summer and in winter
shall it
And the Lord shall be
king over all the earth: in that day
shall there be one Lord, and his
name one" (Zech. 14:4-5, 8-9).
God speed t he day when Jerusa–
lem realJy
and the whole world will enjoy the
peace and prosperity of the world
tomorrow. o
(Continued from page 21)
young people now leaving school
have a job!
There are disturbing parallels
between the situation today and the
chain of events that swept Hitler to
power in the 1930s. Only this time,
it is not just one nation that is
involved. T he nations of Western
are in t rouble.
And it is
that they will
look for a way out.
For centuries, visionary states–
men have seen the logic of the indi–
vidual European nations uniting to
become one giant superstate. The
idea looks good on paper, but has
proveo much harder to put into
isn't the same situation
as a Uni ted States of America. In
the 18th century, the 13 American
colonies, with a short history and a
common language, found it rela–
tively easy to unite- in the face of
a common threat. But the histories
of European nations go back mil–
lennia. Individual linguistic, cul–
tural and religious roots run deep.
The prophecies of the Bible show
that a brief period of unity is com–
ing. In the face of a common (eco–
nomic) threat major nations in
Europe will give up their sovereign–
ty to become that most unlikely of
unions- a United States of Europe.
won't be an easy marriage, for
individual traditions and aspirations
die hard.
The Bible calls it "iron mixed
with miry clay." But under dynam–
ic and charismatic política! and
religious leaders (yet to emerge), a
shaky union will be forged.
When it happens, it wi ll seem
üke a good idea. It may well come
into being with best of intentions.
Many will rejoice, for they will see
in this union a solution to the prob–
lems that are plaguing the Conti–
nent. And as with the Third Reich,
there may well be sorne "good
for those who go a/ong with
the system.
But the United States of Europe
will end as a terrible mistake. In
giving up their sovereignty to a
supranational power, these nations
will eventually plunge t hemselves,
and the rest of the world, into a
crisis more terrible than anything
that has ever been seen before.
Tragically, the pulsating, energetic,
dynamic powerhouse that is Eu–
rope, with its modero buildings, its
state-of-the-ar t communications
networks, its millions of educated
and talented people that have so
much to offer, is once again to be
left in ruins.
Plain Truth
magazine has
been saying that for nearly 50
years! Even as A llied bombers
pounded German cit ies into rubble,
edi tor in chief Herbert W. Arm–
strong was writing about the r ise
and fall
of a new Europe. He isn't
clairvoyant. He understood a
source of information on European
history- past, present and future–
that is ignored by most writers, be
they journalists or historical schol–
ars. Yes- it is the Bible. And this
magazine was founded to make the
truth of the Bible
before have our readers in Europe
needed it more.
K.eep reading it- whether you
The Plain Truth, Klar und
Wahr, La Pure Vérité, Echte
Waarheid orLa Pura Verdad- the
message is the same in all lan–
guages. You
this magazine to
enhance your thinking for the years
that líe ahead. For we will all face
big decisions, nationally and as
The Plain Truth
has a
vital message.
It also has sorne very
good news
beyond the coming cr isis for
Europe. For with the same certain–
ty that the Bible predicts a United
Europe that will soon rise and fall ,
it also tells of a new age- beyond
the turmoil of t he next few years.
From the rubble of this coming
destruction will rise a world that
last for a thousand years. The
nations of Europe and the whole
world will join in lending tbeir
incred ibl e talents and awesome
potential to the building of a socie–
ty that will be at last
for all
mankind. We call it t he world
And when we finally learn to
beat the swords into plowshares
and t he spears into pruninghooks,
then also we can afford to erase the
last remaining evidence of Dachau
and Hitler's mountain resort. For
only t hen can the world be sure
that the mad will never again guide
the destiny of a great nation. o