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Today and Forever
Ronald Kelly
Jerusalem- one of the most historically interesting cities of the past-one of the
most fascinating cities today. Here also revealed is Jerusalem's future!
the Mount of Olives,
the panorama of Jerusa–
lem is one of earth's most
inspiring skylines.
Picture the sun setting over the
modern city structures with the
golden Dome of the Rock slowly
fading into the foreground dark–
t is a view, once seen, never to
be forgotten. One can barely imag–
ine the jam-packed events of his tory
that took place in this ancient city.
Since its establishment, Jerusa–
lem has been ravaged by war,
rebuilt, burned, rebuilt , ransacked,
rebuilt , t o rn t o
pieces again and
rebuilt more tha n
aJmost any city
on earth. T hree
of the most
beautiful buildings that have ever
been constructed have glistened in
the sunlight of JerusaJem: the tem–
ple of Solomon, the temple built by
Herod that stood in the days of
Jesus, and the nearly 1,300-year–
old Dome of the Rock that stands
on the temple mount.
Jerusalem is a holy city to
three religions of the world–
J uda ism, Christianity and
is a ci ty filled with