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Despite this Recession
Herbert W. Armstrong
Here are facts you probably didn ' t know about your income.
worries seem
to plague us a ll!
1n these recessionary
times nearly every one of us is
engaged in a constant struggle
to make ends meet. Financia!
wor ries seem constantly to bear
us down- rob us of real happi–
ness and joy! Why should this
There is a reason! You can be
free from financial wor ry!
What Mo st People Don ' t Know
Let me tell you something you prob–
don't know
about your income.
l f there is anything people are jeal–
ous of in t his per iod of r ising costs, it
is t he money t hey earn. They usually
work hard for it. And t hey want full
freedom in deciding for themselves
what they do with it.
People say: "What
earn is
mine- 1 can do what I please with
it!" But is the money you earn real–
ly your own? Don't be too sure.
Listen to facts about your income
you probably haven't known!
W hat you earn is not yours!
The man who says, "What 1 do
with the money I earn is nobody's
business! 1 produced it- it belongs
to me," is mistaken.
What you earn by work per–
formed, by services rendered, from
investments made,
is not yours- not
any of it- that is, not UNTIL- and 1
will have to explain t hat " unti l."
March 1983
T here are two pr ior claims on
your income. One, of cou rse, is
But the
is Goo's claim.
Most people have never realized
this fact- but it is a fact. God
Almighty the living creator-ruler of
the universe claims it all- every
do l la r -every po u nd - every
franc-every mark. Your Maker
who gives you the very ai r you
breathe tells you it all belongs to
him, not to you!
But didn't you earn it? Didn't
you produce it?
Not exactly! Everything pro–
duced-money, and the things that
money can buy--comes out of t he
ear th. You d id n 't p roduce t he
earth! God created t hat! You mere–
ly applied cer tain energy in t hink–
ing .and in physical act ion to that
which God created and owns. And
where did the energy you expended
come from? You d id n't create it-·
you merely utilized what God
created and supplied. God created
even your thinking processes.
God Almighty created not only
matter, but all force and energy.
God set them in
in t he laws
of phys ics and chemistry. He
created t he human mind . He sup–
plies even t he energy used in think–
ing and acting. Yes, all has come
from God!
is God who sustains, preserves
in motion, gu ides and directs, all
the forces and energies. God is not
merely a creator of the long ago!
God is the sustaining, di recting, liv–
ing ruler over all, today! lt's a sim–
ple fact that, after all, it is God's
labor of original thinking and plan–
ning and creating, and of contin–
uous sustaining and direct ing, t hat
really produces all.
Therefore God's claim to owner–
ship of all you have thought you
produced or earned is valid. It is
prior to yours!
God Almighty says (Ps. 24: 1-2):
"The earth is the Lord's and the
ful ness thereof, the world and those
who dwell therein ... " (Revised
Standard Version throughout).
These . inspired words are repeated
in the New Testament in
Cor in–
thians 10:26.
God Almighty owns t his earth
and everything that exists or lives
upon it! "Whatever is under the
whole heaven is mine," claims God
in Job 41:1 1.
Turn lo Deuteronomy 10: 14:
" Behold, lo lhe Lord your God
belong heaven and the heaven of
heavens, the earth with all that is in
it." And in Exodus 19:5, God says:
"All t he earth is mine."
" l f 1 were hungry," says God
( Ps. 50: 12), " l would not tell you;
for t he wor ld and all that is in it is
mine." "For every beast of the for–
est is mine, the cattle on a thousand
hills" (verse
Yes, even the money--even the
gold and silver: "The silver is mine,
and the gold is mine, says the Lord
of hosts" ( Hag. 2:8). Dare any man