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H er r St r auss, fo rmerly b is
nat ion's defense mini s ter, has
d rawn atten t io n to t he fact of
Europe's unprecedented period of
peace. For more than 37 years, he
notes, whi le well more than
l 00
wars have raged elsewhere in t he
world , Eu rope has experie nced
peace-a lbeit a nervous peace
guaranteed by t he nuclear "balance
of terror."
of [new generation] nuclear weap–
ons in E u rope, [it is] not because I
am nuclear-obsessed.. . . l t is the
only realistic approach in our age
for a reliable and long- lasti ng
" We must make our population,
and in particular the young genera–
tion," said Dr. S trauss, "acquainted
with the basic ideals of peace in our
t ime. Peace in our t ime cannot be
Leading officials in
Weste rn Europe are deeply disturbed over
trends ta king
place in their societies .
T alking to an American televi–
sion reporter for Cable News Net–
work, Dr. Strauss said with great
" My assessment. .. is t hat the
risk of a world war in Europe is
practically none. If Europe decides
for neutralism, the risk, the proba–
bil ity, t he possibility of a world war
is much higher.... Therefore, if
plead for NATO, for deployment
Personal from...
(Continued from page 1)
worsen problems and create new
ones. By t he "knowledge" a nd
effor ts of man, this world faces
doom and hopelessness.
ls there, then, nothing to live
for ? Is t here no hope for the
fu t ure? Not wi thin t he knowledge,
the skill s a nd a bi l it ies of t hi s
wo r l d 's great minds. Of
self-professed "great" men, God
says, " P rofess ing themselves to be
wise, they have become fools!"
But t here emphatically is a
bright fu t ure ahead! The world
tomorrow- whic h
The Plain Trut h
proclaims- will bring world peace,
universal prosperity, universal right
education, universal good heal th.
In t he wonderful world tomor–
row, we shall have knowledge of
t he
values. People will cease
chasing the false values and suffer–
ing t he painfu l consequences.
People will learn the w
to real
achieved by uni lateral surrender,
cannot be achieved by a unilateral
Showdowns Ahead
In the coming months, look for
growing left-r ight confrontations
ins ide West ern E urope and the
ent ire A tlantic A lliance, especially
over the issue of nuclear arms.
In the meantime, also look for
happiness and fi nd it. Life wi ll be
continuously interesting and invig–
orating . T here will be world peace.
There wi ll be universal prosperity.
am not naive enough to
suppose t hat this utopía wi ll blos–
som forth automatically, through
the imminent acceptance of t hese
t ruths by all mankind . T his coming
u topía does not depend on the plan–
ning or doing of men.
wi ll be
in spite of men.
The greatest event of all history
will be the coming of the
J esus
Christ again to earth. But this time,
he is not coming as the gent le young
man from Nazareth, bringing the
announcement that led to his flog–
ging and death at the hands of angry
men. J esus Chr ist rose from the
dead . He went to the throne of the
government of the vast universe to
a nd coronated as
over t he ent ire
ear th. When he returns, the world
wi ll know something of t he meaning
"the power and the glory"!
H is eyes wi ll flash like flames of
influential leaders to move ahead
on certain options of thei r own, j ust
in case the reliabilit y of N
nuclear deterrent s tructure, based
upon American and Br itish forces,
weakens st ill fu r ther.
Almos t alone in Europe, France
has been spared public con troversy
over nuclear weapons. Its govern–
ment announced, in fact , t hat it has
decided to go ahead with produc–
tion of a neutron bomb.
At the same time, it has been
revealed t hat t he governments of
F rance and West Germany a re
cooperating more tban ever before
in the coordinat ion o f their defense
policies, including greater coordi–
nation on nuclear st rategy.
As the pages of
The Plain Truth
have announced for years, watch
for an eventual aJternati ve- t he
formation of a Western Eu rope
unified pol itically and militar ily.
As Herr S trauss envisions it: " A
United States of Europe wit h its
own nuclear deterrent." .
The decline of t he rel iabil ity of
t he American " nuclear umbrella,"
as well as the smaller-scale British
deter rent fo rce, wi ll make such a
policy seem to European leaders to
be necessary for Europe's own sur–
fire. His face wi ll not be paJe white.
It will be like the sun shining in
He will come wit h
all the
that created the uní–
He is coming to crush every gov–
ernment of men, as if to g rind t hem
into powder! He is coming as the
King of ki ngs, ruling over
He is coming to
change human
na t ure!
He is coming to enforce the
of outgoing concern, or !ove, of giv–
ing, serving, s hari ng, helping,
instead of grasping, taking and self–
centered ness.
He is coming to abolish war,
competi tion, s tr ife and violence. He
is coming to inaug urate a universal,
right education. He is coming to
clean up th is fi lthy earth . He is
coming to restare t he government
of God as the all -powerful world
government. Yes,
see a very
bright future- just ahead!
It's the only
in the
world today!