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not want to admit- has instigated a
clever deception: illicit sex is OK
anytime, anywhere. But God says
beware this grand illusion: "So God
has given them [those who break his
laws] up, in their hearts' lust , to sex–
ual vice, to the dishonouring of thei r
own bodies-since they have ex–
changed the truth of God for an
untruth , worshipping and serving
the creature [themselves] rather
than the Creator, who is blessed for
ever: Amen. That is why God has
given t hem up to vile passions ... "
(Rom. 1:24-26, Moffatt).
God pronounces sentence on
those who disobey: " Be not
deceived: neither
ido1aters, nor
adulte r ers.
effeminate, nor abusers of them–
selves with mankind [homosex–
uals], nor thieves, nor covetous, nor
drunkards, nor revilers, nor extor–
t ioners, shal l inherit the kingdom
of God" ( 1Cor. 6:9-1 0). Yet we are
told today t hat there is nothing
wrong with loveless sex.
Purposes o f Sex
Our Creator designed sex in mar–
riage for bringing happy c hi ldren
into the fami ly and to bind husband
and wife together in a sacred , giv–
ing relationship not shared with
others. Both purposes are impossi–
ble with pornography.
Former U.S. President Richard
M. N ixon cut to the heart of the
problem: " When indecent books no
longer find a market, when porno–
graphic fi lms can no longer draw an
audience, when obscene plays open
to empty houses, t hen the tide will
t urn . Government can maintain
[barriers] against obscenity, bu t
only people can turn back the tide."
Until the prophesied utopian val–
ues of the World Tomorrow, when
parents a nd schools will teac h
infants and young children right sex
knowledge, everyone must be on
guard against warped sexual values
and realize the perils of pornogra–
phy. I f those who insist on indulging
in obscenity could only unders tand
the positive relationship between
two people genuinely in love as
revealed, for example, in the story
found in the Song of Solomon in the
And why not request our free
The Missing Dimension in
(Continued from page 12)
" The thought occurred to me
one day that the human chemical
industry doesn't chance on its
products by throwing chemicals at
random into a stewpot. To suggest
to t he research department [of a
c hemical co rporation] that it
should proceed in such a fas hion
would be thought ridiculous"
gineering and Science,
1981, page 12).
This leading scientist, who would
have liked to believe in evolution
and who was seeking the origin of
life in the blind forces of nature,
finally had to conclude:
"A commonsense interpretation
of the facts suggests that a super–
intellect has monkeyed with phys-
ics, as well as with chemistry and
biology, and that there are no blind
forces wor t h speaking about in
nature. The numbers one calculates
from the facts seem to me so over–
whelming as to put this conclusion
almos t beyond question"
page 12) .
What about you? Do you believe
that "simple" life forms carne into
existence by blind chance in a cos–
mic chemical stewpot? Do you fur–
t her believe that such simple living
things gradually developed such
marvelously intricate structures as
hearts, lungs, eyes and brains
through " random errors in the
genetic code"?
The physical evidence from the
factual world leads to only one con–
clusion- living things had to be
planned, designed and created by a
Supreme Being!