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been ignored entirely." Why, with
today's explosion in knowledge?
Haunting Dllemmas
More and more, scientists are dis–
covering there is no careless dis–
posing of human or chemical
wastes that does not reap serious
environmental penalties. All too
many pollutants injected into the
soíl, water or air are coming back
to haunt humanity.
More and more it is being dis–
covered that pollution engendered
in one area often wreaks serious
havoc and destruction far away- in
sorne cases thousands of miles or
even continents away. Polluted air,
water and land befoul not just pop–
ulated or industrialized areas where
it is engendered, but often are
spread internationally by winds,
rain and oceans.
Acid rain is a major case in point.
Tons of toxic chemicals spewed into
the air by one nation's industry and
motor vehicles end up being
dumped on other nations, nearby or
far away, depending on prevailing
wind patterns. The tragic COJlSe-
quence is blankets of poisonous
moisture and air moving from conti–
nent lo continent killing off thou–
sands of lakes, destroying many for–
est areas, vegetation and wildlife.
" It is exlremely unsettling lo see
rich soil and ample irrigation unable
to produce a crop because the air
cannot support the growth of
healthy plants," said a
gressman at recen t hearings on
ozone damage to agr iculture.
Poli ution is international. It wi 11
require a global- not justa local or
nalional-solution. l f only a few
nations expend extreme efforts to
fight their pollution but the majori–
ty of other nations do not- the bat–
tle will be lost with the same fateful
outcome for humanity.
Is it too late to save mankind
from destruction in his own toxic
Few seem to realize that pollu–
lion cannot be solved merely by
Top photo shows dramatic evidence of
air pollution on some common construc–
tion metals. Below, scars from strip min·
ing. Costly efforts must be made to con–
tsin polluted water runoff and to restare
land for useful post -mining purposes.