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Personal from...
Where Does the
U.S. Go
from Here?
HE wORLD right now stands on the brink of the
NAL, NUCLEAR WAR! There has never yet been a
UCLEAR war! Do you grasp the gravity of the
world situation at this minute?
World leaders all know the probability that a nuclear
war between the United States and Russia can very
the END of human existence!
Where is this world at the moment- as
February 1, 1980? For more than 90 days the United
States has been so absorbed with the plight of the 50
hostages in lran, the government has not realized that the
REAL DANGER has been Russia all the time. Of course the
REAL DANGER is something else of which the Washington
politicians are still unaware. Yet it is now MOVING!
President Carter warned the Soviets against invading
Afghanistan. He called Leonid Brezhnev personally on
the HOT UNE! Mr. Brezhnev considered Mr. Carter to be
a weak President who would do nothing. Soviet troops,
up to 100,000, poured into Afghanistan.
Mr. Carter began todo something. He put into effect
a grain embargo against Russia. He threatened to
boycott the Olympic Games scheduled to be held in
Moscow this summer. To the Russians these games are a
big government project. All other countries may enter
only AMATEUR athletes. In Russia the system is different.
The government runs EVERYTHJNG, even athletics.
Though the Soviets
their athletes amateurs, they are
actually in government employ and in real fact are PROS!
Then Mr. Carter set a deadline for boycotting the
Olympic Games- February 20. But even the AAU has
approved the boycott, and it is now a certainty.
Washington has gotten a resolution through the
United Nations against Russia. But they laugh at that
wrist-slap. Nothing but equal or stronger MILITARY
FORCE speaks their language! Sanctions, resolutions–
they laugh at them!
But now Mr. Carter has said that entrance of the
Soviet military forces into the Persian Gulf
means war!
Now WAIT AMJNUTE! Mr. Brezhnev and his fellows at
the Kremlin will THINK THAT ONE OVER! So must Mr.
April 1980
Carter's administration!
1) The United States does not want to fight a nuclear war
with Russia. Russia does not want to fight a nuclear war with
the United States. Theycould
destroyeach other!
2) The United States does not have the conventional
nonnuclear military ability to fight Russia in her own
backyard- the Persian Gulf-so far from the United
States. American forces would either LOSE or be forced
to turn such war into a NUCLEAR war! The Kremlin, of
course, knows that also.
3) President Carter has
WN THE UNE. lf the
Soviet crosses it- it is WAR! (Or else a TOTAL loss of
face and prestige in the world for the United States.)
Now what will the Soviets oo? It's their move! Will they
decide Mr. Carter is too weak to back up his tbreat of
WAR, and decide they may go ahead and get away with
it? I do not think so.
think that is a chance the
Kremlin will not take.
think, as
wrote before, the
Russian Bear will slow down its pace, go ahead and
make its intervention in Afghanistan solid and complete,
perbaps even withdrawing sorne troops, and also keep
poised, READY to invade Yugoslavia, Germany, Austria,
or France, AS A
in a stepped-up WAR OF NERVES!
Now the IMPORTANT consideration is WHAT IS
The President has sent two high emissaries to try to
swing European nations (NATO members) over to the
boycott the Olympics and refuse to sell
Russia grain. These two emissaries have met a very cold
in Britain . Mrs. Margaret Thatcher,
prime minister, has said: "We are WITH you. We stand
together with you!" to the United States.
But, for example, how does Chancellor Helmut
Schmidt in Bonn look at the picture? Russian forces are
right at bis eastern border, and more being massed
there. They could cross over in massive force within 30
minutes witb no notice! West Germany, along with other
European nations, has no military force capable of
defending against such Russian attack. The European
nations have relied on U.S. military might to PROTECT
THEM frorn the Russians who are
(Continued on page 45)