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(Continued from page 6)
two ad campaigns in 1982, sub–
scriptions for
La Pura Veritii
total more than 20,000.
T he oldest and by far largest lan–
guage edition is the English-lan–
Plain Truth.
is an enor–
mous task to reach the second
la rgest language group in t he
wor ld. Today, the
Plain Truth
Englis·h edition goes into 202
natio ns and associated states
around the world. Significantly, all
the various language editions are
printed in E nglish-speaking na–
tions. T he bulk of the English-lan–
Plain Truths,
as well as the
entirety of the Spanish and French
ed itions, are printed at the huge
R. R. Donnelley
Sons, Co., press
in Glasgow, Kentucky, one of the
Iargest printing. establishments in
the world.
Newsst and Circulation
Another significant milestone for
The Plain Truth
has been the
success of the newsstand distribu–
tion program or iginally pioneered
in the United Kingdom in July,
1971. Similar programs quickly
followed in France, the Nether–
lands and West Germany in 1972.
In January, 1976, the Spanish–
Plain Truth
also began a
newsstand distribution program.
A little more than seven months
later, in July, 1976, newsstand
distribution was begun in the
United States and Canada.
Today, newsstand d istribution
accounts for more than 30 per–
cent of the new subscribers each
year and abou t 40 percent of the
total c irculation o f
The Plain
The Latest Technology
The newest innovation to come to
The Plain Truth
is the acquisition
of a state-of-the-art real time
composition computer system. In
much the same way as an ai rcraft
flight simulator 's computer re–
sponds immediately to an opera–
tor's manipulation of the controls,
this new system enables· the staff
at Pu blishing Services to make
any changes in text composition
almost instantly.
In addition, t his system's mes–
saging feature will allow writers in
Pasadena, California, to send com–
pleted texts of their articles to the
various overseas offices' new ter–
minals overnight for translation to
begin the next day. When the
trans lation is completed, the
t ranslated texts will be transmit–
ted back to Pasadena in the same
manner as · orig i nally sen
everything goes according to plan,
by mid-1983 all six language edi–
tions of
The Plain Truth
will be
able to produce the same 48-page
magazine for same-time d istribu–
Much has changed in the past
49 years for
T he Plain Truth.
From those very early lean years
in the '30s this Work has grown
in much the same way as the
"mustard seed" Christ mentioned
in Matthew 13:31-32. Today,
P/ain Truth
is a modern, mass–
ci r culation magazi ne with a
worldwide aud ience.
Yet, the original basic gu ide–
lines for
The Plain Truth
the same. In fact, it is this per–
spective that makes
The Plain
unique. It can be summed
up in the words that are etched in
the wall ove r t h e southwest
entrance of Ambassador Hall on
the campus of Ambassador Col–
lege in Pasadena: " The Word of
God Is the Foundation of Knowl–
T hese words guide
and editors of this magazine today
even as they have Mr. Armstrong
these 49 years. And t hey will con–
tinue to guide the ent ire organiza–
tion as i t e n te r s its 50th
year. o