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that both thou and thy seed may
live" (Deut. 30:19).
You cannot c reate righteous
character within yourself by your–
self. God mus t do that in and
through you by his Spirit, which
is his very nature. You must
become will in gly and who le–
heartedly oriented toward God,
like clay in the hand of the
Master Potter (Isa. 64:8,
for all who henceforth wi ll live
God's spiritual way.
When This Trut h Wlll Prevail
One day truth will be taught in all
' '
It will teach us
al/ that there is
to know
about the creation around
us; how and why it was pul here,
and what our role shall be accord–
ing to God's exciting plan and pur–
In that day enlíghtenment will
be so complete that it will make
today's knowledge explosíon
seem like the popping of corn
Jer. 18:1-6, Rom. 9:20-
21 ).
You must
him to shape you into
what he decides. You
cannot start unti l
the Potter singles
But what if creation
were taught in schools?
by comparison! Here's
how it will be brought
W h en Christ re-
turns to the earth to
bring the whole
world peace, he will
come to set up the
you out and begins
to deal with you.
Only then, if you
become soft and
pliable through the
addition of God's
Holy Spirit, can you
begin to be shaped into
of God.
f you turn away, to
remain lumpy and hard, he
will cast you aside and work
with other clay.
Could creationists agree on the
exact version to include in the
school curriculum? ... Would
any single version of creation
satisfy this world's differing
religious groups?
' '
kingdom of God.
l t will be a
ruling empire
Christ will be its
"King of kíngs and
Lord of lords" (Rev.
19:6, 16; 20:4).
The ways of God are out lined
broadly by the T en Command–
ments and are enlarged u pon
throughout the rest of the Bible.
The example of how to live by them
successfully and perfectly was first
demonstrated by Jesus Christ
(1 John 2:6), who blazed the trail
will be God's t ruth as recorded
in the Bíble. Not false relígíons of
men. It wíll be truly scientífic. It
wíll acknowledge not only the C re–
ator but his laws and his authori–
When forced to think
about God's perfect
laws of love and happi–
ness, people will become
more enthralled with life
than they have ever ímagined
that they could be.
Stubborn evolutionísts, con–
fused creationists-and all men
alíke- will be
that they
strove so hard to deny God's way
while they clung to theír own fol–
ly. What a wonderful day that will
Februar y 1983
Skeptics doubt it. Many scientists say it cannot be
proven. Yet no question is more fund amental to man's
existence. How can you know for sure ? Can the
existence of God be demonstrated to the rational mind?
ls the r e tangible evidence that a
Supreme Being sits at the controls
of the Universe? Our free booklet
Does God Exist?
provides, with
reasoned proof, a solid answer.
To request your copy, use the
card in this issue or write the
Plain Truth
office nearest you.