Are at lt Again!
Jack R. Elliott
Each claims to have the answer to the puzzle of creation. But does
either represent true science or true religion?
is deeply ensconced in
today's schools as a
legitimate part of most
science classes.
Jt is no longer presented as an
unproven idea or theory.
presented as fact.
When children go to school they
are usually taught the theory of
evolution as the only intelligent
answer to existence. Virtually all
science teachers speak about it
as dogmatically as though
they saw evolution hap–
pen. Class instruction is
done so effectively that
students generally are
to ad–
mit before their
peers that they s till
believe in a Cre–
ator God.
But what if cre–
ation were taught
in schools? Which
version would be
taught? Could crea–
tionists agree on the
exact version to in–
elude in the school
Libera ls, call ing
themselves theistic
evolutionists, consid–
er the Genesis ac–
count symbolic or
allegorical. They
would insist that God
February 1982
brought about the creation through
the process of evolution.
Fundamentalis t g roups, often
scientific creationists,
are in
the forefront of a crusade to free
school children from the evolution–
ists' fi rm grasp. They would teach
that all creation, including the sun,
moon and stars, took place very
recently-hardly more than six or
seven thousand years ago. They
seek scientific evidence to show
that the fossil beds and fossil bear–
ing strata were nearly all laid down
during a Flood in the historie past.
They contend that life forms were
separated and arranged into se–
quential layers by the water's tur–
bulent action.
The Plain Truth
teaches that
creation took place
"in the beginning." That when the
creation first appeared the angels
were so enthralled with its mag–
nificence they "sang together
and . . . shouted for joy" (Job
38:7). That God placed an
arch ange l on earth to
administer God's gov–
ernment in !ove and
concern . He rebelled
(Ezek. 28:15-16).
Destruction carne to
the earth. Then
God's Spirit moved
upon the face of
the waters (Gen.
1:2) and God be-
gan to rec r eate
today's realm. This
time he gave
kind dominion over
the phys ical cre-
It is obvious that no
single version of cre–
will satisfy this
world's differing reli–
gious groups. So, even
if creation ists were
given equal forum
wíth evolutionísts ,