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Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo's party was
aJI but wiped out, incredibly losing
aJI but 13 of its 155 seats. The
Socialist party under Prime Minister
Felipe GonzaJez swept into power
with a clear majority.
Spain, many exper ts believe, is
now dangerously polarized, left and
right, with a gaping hole wherc the
moderate ccnter once existed.
The largely right-wing Spanish
miJitary leaders-traditionaJiy leery
of democracy- are extreme!y unhap–
with the outcome. They believe
that the triumphant SociaJists, like
their predecessors in the 1930s, will
move yet further to the left, coming
under Soviet influence (even though
the official Communist party lost
ground in the election) . T he army,
under Franco's rule, put a halt lo
sociaJism once befare, igniting the
1936-39 civil war.
The true test of strength will
come when the Socialists attempt,
as they claim they will, to bring the
military under control of the civil–
ian government.
The program of the Socialists
appears moderate on the surface.
But cr itics denou nce t hem as
"wolves in sheep's cloth ing" who
will radicalize the economy once
they takc firm control.
The announcement by the new
leftist government that it is consid–
ering reneging on Spain's approved
members hip i n N AT O is al so
unsettling to many.
West Ge rmany: From Polarizatio n
to Confrontatlon
It is in West Germany that perhaps
the most foreboding developments
(Continued on page 42)
MISS/LE FUROR-During 1983 the issue
of nuclear weapons in Western Europe
wi/1 occupy the attention of politicallead·
ers. Petra Kel/y, top left, one of the /ead·
ers of the antiestablishment "Green"
movement in West Germany, is an outspo·
ken opponent of the NA
plan to deploy
new missiles by the end of the year. Mem–
bers of the Greens, top right, are shown
entering the city government in Frankfurt,
protesting environmental issues. While
demonstrations dominate the
headlines. picture second row, rallies
calling for support tor NA
and critica/
of the massive Soviet SS-20 arsenal tar·
geted on Western Europe occasionally
take place as we/1 (bottom two photos).