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Skeptics doubt it. Many scientists say it cannot be proven. Yet no
question is more fundamental to man 's own existence. How can
you know for sure? Can the existence of God be demonstrated to
the rational mind? ls there tangible evidence that a Supreme Being
sits at the contro/s of the universe? Our free booklet
provides, with reasoned proof, a so/id answer. You
can have this booklet by using the rep/y card or by
writing to our office nearest you (see inside front
cover for addresses).
Most people pursue this elusive quantity known as success, but few
seem to find it. What is real success, anyway? How do you attain
it? We offer, free, an attractive booklet that defines
true success and presents a seven-step program to
achieving this importan! goal. Every person in every
walk of lite can app/y these seven /aws and reap
the benefits- it's information you can use!
Request your free copy now.
/s there any purpose for human lite? You must have wondered- we
al/ have. ls human existence a freak accident in a meaning/ess
universe- a puzzle without solution-or does your lite have a so/id,
identifiable purpose? The answer is incredibly positive: Mankind was
created to rule the universe on the very God-plane!
lmpossible? Here, in booklet form, is a complete
explanation of this much-misunderstood subject.
For your copy, use the card or write to our office
nearest you. Addresses are listed on the inside
front cover.