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The Most Asked Question
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Thousands have asked us. According to Jesus,
a simple way to identify a real Christian. Do you know what
is a Chr is–
What is true Chris-
is time to clear away the
Why Such Confusion?
J esus clearly explained what a real
Christian is like. He left no doubt.
As we consider what he said, we
need to ask ourselves why the qual–
ities he described seem to be so
difficult to find even in the Chris–
tian- professi ng nations of the
Take, for instance, one of Jesus '
teachings in what is often referred
to as the Sermon on the Mount,
recorded in Luke 6. Surely nothing
is more central to Christianity than
this portion of the Scriptures. But
how often do you see Jesus' state–
ment in verse 27 put into practice?
rt says: "Love your enemies, do
good to them which hate you."
Sorne of the most bloody battles
in history have been waged by
"Christian" nations. "No nations
are more warlike than those which
profess Christianity," observed
Pierre Bayle, a 17th-century
French philosopher.
Professing Christians have even
risen up in war against each other.
Januar y
Clayton Steep
They have impaled each other,
burnt each other, blown each other
to pieces on the battlefield, all the
whi le praying to the same God for
The English poet Shelley com–
mented: "The same means that
have supported every other popular
belief have supported Christianity.
War, imprisonment, assassination
and falsehood; deeds of unexam–
pled and incomparable atrocity
have made
what it is."
How can this be? The one who is
supposed to be the Founder of the
"Chr istian" religion-the O ne
whom professing Christians cal!
"Lord"- taught his fo l lowers,
"Love your enemies, do good to
them which bate you, bless them
that curse you , and pray for them
which despitefully use you" (L uke
This instruction of Jesus certain–
ly is not followed in times of war.
But then it is hardly followed in
times of peace either. Where is it
put into practice in neighborhoods,
in social circles, among the people
you know on a day-to-day basis?
Jesus also said: ' 'And as ye
would that men should do to you,
do ye also to them likewise" (verse
31 ). That has been called the Gold–
en Rule. It is thought of as a good
slogan to hang on the wall , or to
dangle from a charm bracelet, or to
teach little children.
But live by it'? That is something
Jesus, however, d id not mean it
as a suggestion. He didn't give itas
a thought for the day. For J esus it
was a living law that he com–
manded his followers-Chris–
tians-to apply in their daily lives.
But Will lt Work?
" Be ye therefore merciful," contin–
ued J esus, "as your Father [God]
also is merciful. Judge not, and ye
shall not be judged: condemn not,
and ye shall not be condemned: for–
give, and ye shall be forgiven"
(verses 36-37) .
Look around you. How often
does merciful kindness govern what
rs said and done? Think of the com–
petition and greed in business-the
cheating, the gouging. A primary
emphasis in today's world is to get
the advantage over others, even if it
is necessary to hurt them a little to
do it.
The political sphere resounds
with name calling, propaganda and
Gossip, judging and backbiting
are ever popular themes in prívate
conversation. Movies, novels and
television programs- including
children's shows-dwell on the idea