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Where In the World?
Your article entitled
"Where In The World?"
deserves the hearty congratula–
tions of every geography teach–
er in America. As a state legis–
lator whp also instructs geogra–
phy as a part of a college polít–
ica! science and social studies
say "hear, hear"
to your call for a greater com–
mitment to teaching students
more about the world around
is vital to providing a
well-rounded, basic education
and equipping our students to
face that world.
Dennis Dollar
State Representative
Gulfport, Mississippi
Correspondence Course
would like to express my
appreciation for the six Iessons
have received so far of your
Correspondence Course. Your
magazines and many booklets
have benefited me tremendous–
Mervyn Ojoe
Tunapuna, Trinidad
Pro and Con
My copy of
The Plain Truth
will undergo quick circulation
amongst one hundred people of
my neighborhood. Wishing you
cont inued success.
R.L.N. Sastri
Golconda Chowrasta,
1 agree very much with your
concern about the terrible situ–
ation of the world affairs at
present. Picase, l don't want to
know anymore. l would prefer
to die quickly, unexpected, Iike
an animal caught unawares in
a snare, than to worry away
November/ December 1982
What Our Readers Say
what short time 1 have left.
Nerida Bolton
Wynyard, Tasmania
have been intending for
sorne time to write to ask to be
included in the mailing li st for
The Plain Truth.
was sbop–
ping at lndooroopilly Shopping
Centre on Friday and was sur–
prised to see a stand clearly
marked " Free Copy" and tbat
it was
The Plain Truth .
would still like to be on
the mailing list, and also my son
who is in Adelaide.
Mrs. M. Dickson
Chape! Hill, Queensland
would like to thank you for
sending me The
Plain Truth
magazine which
find very fasci–
nating. To tell you the truth, I've
never really read much of the
Bible. But since
received this
magazine I've really Iearnt some–
thing of life. It's made me a very
happy and different person.
G. Matbias Daniel
Godowa, Finschhafen,
Gettlng Out of Debt
One of your subscribers in
Tacoma, Washington, who is
also a member of our Associa–
tion, forwarded us the abbre–
viated newsstand version of
your magazine. An excellent
article written by Ronald Kelly,
"Will You Ever Get Out of
Debt?" was also illustrated on
the cover of your issue.
The article is very well writ–
ten to the consumer concerning
this ever present sit uation deal–
ing with debt. 1 would like to
point out sorne facts regarding
collection agencies and their
dealings with people who for
one rcason or another have
over-extended thcmselves and
have not paid their bilis.
First, a collection agency
receives an account because
communication has broken
down between the person or
company who originally
granted the credit, and the deb–
course, there are exten–
uating circumstances why bilis
have not been paid; however, it
is the collection agency's job to
work for the credit grantor to
try to collect what is due.
Second, if someone does not
pay bilis the credit rating may
be affected if the credit grantor
chooses to report it to the credit
bureau. Third, the credit grant–
or has an option of filing suit
against the debtor to receive the
monies due. T he collection
agency in its communication
with the debtor may inform
them of these two facts which is
perfectly proper and impor–
Last year, more than
million accounts representing
billion dollars were
turned over to the members of
our Association. This is a tre–
mendous amount of money that
is owed lo credit grantors by
millions of people. This amount
of money owed, if paid back by
the American public, .would be
similar to each Amer ican
receiving a bill for $50.00 for
those who could not pay their
bilis. This is an awesome sum
and should be recognized.
Collection agencies may deal
with debtors on a counseling
basis to help them on the road
to recovery from being over–
extended. If they are successful
then all parties are satisfied.
The debtor is out of debt, the
credit grantor has received
money due and the collection
agency has earned a fee for his
We hope that these comments
further explain the collection
agencies' role in today's society
and how they deal with people
who have not fulfilled their cred–
it obligations. These facts added
to an article of this type would
make it much more complete.
Director of Public Relations,
American Collectors
Assoc., lnc.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
The enclosed is my first tithe
payment; and this is due to an
article "Will You Ever Get Out
of Debt?" written by Ronald
Kelly. The only thing I'm sad
abou t is it took me almost
years to wake up.
East Rockaway, New York
We have enjoyed the
magazine for years at no
cost to us. We thoroughly
enjoyed your article "Will You
Ever Get Out of Debt?" l've
asked myself this question so
many times and yet so many
times we've robbed God in
tithes and offerings. I'm ready
to pul God to the test. We want
him to be our
1 partner in
everything we do.
Mrs. Gerald D. Furlow
Dry Prong, Louisiana
Pesslmist Becomes
1 have just read your free
booklet entitled
The Wonderful
World Tomorrow-What lt
Wi/1 Be Like.
is extremely
exciting. 1 don't mind telling
you that 1 used to be negative
about the future of mankind
(who wouldn't be?) but 1 now
feel that your booklet just
might have turned my negative,
pessimistic view of the future
right around 180° .
Peter A. Sweetman,
Mississauga, Ontario