Gaunt face and emaciated arm with cup symbolize
the suffering ofchildren in the Horn ofAfrica.
In tomorrow's world coming soon the
tears so many have cried will be wiped away (Isa. 25:7-8).
Mussolíní, however, never fulfilled all of verse 41.
He never entered "the
glorious /and,"
that is, Pales–
tine, nor did he fulfill the rest of the verse that says,
"and many countries shall be overthrown.... "
Rather, this propbecy, terminated almost 40 years
ago at the very middle of verse 41, awaits fulfillment
in entirety in our Jifetime, with the prophesied final
restoraÜon of the Roman Empire in Europe. This
empire will see its vital interests threatened by insta–
bility and economic pressures from the Arab world
and the region around the Horn of Africa (Dan. 11:40-
will, at that time, storm into this region and
neighboring parts of northeast Africa to protect its
November/ December 1982
concerns. Be sure to request our free reprint article
"The Middle East in Prophecy" for more specific
Unless the nations of the Horn of Africa, and the
· rest of the world for that matter, learn to love and
respect each other, the prophesied near future holds
great sorrow.
But the Creator God promises, in the end, a world
of peace that can only be brought about by the estab–
lishment of God's kingdom over all nations.
will be a
time of prosperity and abundant joy for all peoples of
the world. And the inhabitants of the Horn of Africa,
too, will finally live at peace (Isa. 2:3-4).