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demanded mind power in man pat–
terned after
Qod's own mind.
is why the most remarkable thing
about man is his mind.
What is it then that separates
humankind from the animal king–
dom? What gives him this God–
plane power of intellect?
It all boils down to a
component in the human brain that
does not exist in animal brain. It is
this nonphysical component that
makes man so vastly different from
is what makes man truly
Man does not have an immortal
soul within him that enables him to
live on apart from his body after
death (remember man is a
soul). But the Bible nevertheless
does speak of a "spirit IN man" (Job
32:8, 18; Zech. 12:1;
Cor. 2:11 ).
Many passages of Scripture
show that there · is a "spirit" IN
man! This spirit is
not the man-ít
is something that is
/ fV
the man.
Joined with the physical brain of
the man, it forms human MINO.
imparts to man's brain his unique
powers of intellect and personali–
ty- the ability to think rationally
and make freewill decisions.
imparts the ability to learn mathe–
matics, languages or other types of
knowledge such as music, art, car–
pentry, flying.
But that's al!. The spirit that is
man has no consciousness of
an "immortal soul."
This spirit is
the "man."
The spirit that is IN man can be
called "human" spirit, for it is in
each human, even though it is
it essence
and not matter. It is nota
" ghost ," spirit being, or the Holy
Spirit. It is not the man, but spirit
essence IN the man.
is NOT a
soul- the physical human
spirit, added to
every human being at birth, does
not supply human life-the human
life is in the physical bl.ood, oxi–
dized by the breath of life. (Lev.
17: 11 ). But the spirit in man does
impart the power of intellect to the
human brain. This nonphysical
component in the human brain does
not exist in the brains of animals.
The spiri t in man is spir it
essence, just as in the material
world air is a gaseous essence. But
this "human" spirit cannot see. The
physical brain sees through the
eyes. The human spirit in a person
cannot hear . The brain hears
through the ears. This human spirit
cannot think. The brain thinks–
although the spirit imparts the
power to think far above the leve!
of brute animals' brain function.
Without such spirit animals cannot
do original thinking.
The "human" spirit acts as a
computer. Whatever knowledge
enters the brain through the five
senses is instantly stored (memo–
rized) in the spirit within the per–
son. It enables the brain to have
instant recall of stored-up know1-
edge in the spirit, and thus enables
the brain to utilize bits of related
knowledge in the process of THINK–
The human spirit imparts the
power of intellect to the physical
brain in two ways: 1) it gives the
brain instant recall of whatever the
brain calls for in the knowledge
stored in this memory-or "human
computer"; 2) it supplies the brain
whatever energy is needed to cause
it to think-that is, to put the
pieces of information stored in the
spirit together in the process we
cal! "thinking," "reasoning" and
"drawing conclusions." The human
spirit also is the means God has
instilled to make possible a personal
relationship between human MAN
and divine Goo.
The truth about the "spirit in
man" is so important that Satan
twisted and perverted it long ago.
He clouded the minds of meo and
led them into believing his "big líe"
as far back in time as the first
human beings in the garden of
Here was the
of the "im–
mortality of the soul" teaching so
prevalent today! Satan told the first
woman she would "not surely die"
(Gen . 3:4). In other words, she had
an "immortal soul" that would live
forever. Eve believed this líe. And
most of the world today continues
to believe sorne variation of that
ancient "big líe"!
A Second Spirit Needed
Man has the intellectual capacity to
design spaceships to take him to the
moon and back, to invent the com–
puter and to do other marvelous
exploits in the physical, material
realm. Yet during man's nearly
6,000 years on earth, he has proved
that he cannot soJve his problems
with fellowman.
Why has this been so? Because
man's real problems are
nature and the natural man simply
cannot salve spiritual problems. In
producing the computer or in fly–
ing to the moon, he is dealing with
physical matter that he can under–
stand because of the human spirit
within him. But he cannot salve
problems with fellow humans
because this involves knowledge
and understanding of
which he cannot com–
prehend without the addition of
another spiritual element
to his
Man was made to need
spirit-the Holy Spirit of' God!
Justas a human could not know the
things of humán knowledge except
by the human spirit within him, so
he cannot know the things of
God- spiritual knowledge-except
by the addition of the Spirit of God
(ICor. 2:9-11, 14).
Just as surely as no animal
brain-such as that of a cow, for
example--can comprehend or un–
affairs without the
spirit, so no human mind
can have comprehension of spiri–
tual truths on the divine plane
unless and until
it has received the
Holy Spirit!
Even the greatest scientific and
philosophical minds simply cannot
come to know and understand SPIR–
JTUAL truths with their natural
minds. They are "foolishness" to
them. The natural man with his
human spirit is
to material
Spiritual things cannot be seen
with the eye, heard with the ear,
felt with the hands. The human
mind, which can receive knowledge
only through these physical chao–
neis, can never really comprehend
spiritual concepts and principies
without the Holy Spirit of God.
Only when the Holy Spirit enters
man's mind upon conversion, com–
bining with the human spirit, can a
man come to know that which is
spiritual. Only then can the human
mind receive and comprehend the
knowledge of and attain God 's
GREAT PURPOSE for bis existence!
Man was created incomplete. He