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Patrick A. Parnell
The U.S.A. (1982):
was only
22 months old-just
barely out of diapers
and reaching that sweet, ear–
ly talking stage.
While her parents were chat–
ting with grandma and grand–
dad-they'd just dropped Kris–
ten by for the day- Kristen,
unnoticed, sl ipped out the front
Within seconds tragedy struck!
By the time Kristen's parents or
grandparents real ized she was gane,
it was too late. Little Kristen con–
tinued througb the front yard into
the street. Coincidentally her
grandparents' neighbor across tbe
street was backing his car out of his
driveway. He didn't see little Kris–
She was clinically dead before
the ambulance reached the hospi–
tal: Vital signs ceased that night.
• Merceuil, France ("Biack Sat–
urday" 1982): In France's worst
road disaster, 44 children in one
bus perish in massive highway acci–
dent southeast of París. "Where
was God during the night?" asked
one woman upon learning that four
of her grandchildren had perished.
The 44 children were from a small
farming village in the north and en
route to summer camp.
• Treblinka, Poland (1942): Five–
year-old Romacia Sztockman, a lit–
tle Jewish girl, is singing: "We are
going to bathe. We shall return
clean and merry.... " She is really
going to a gas chamber disguised as
a bathhouse. Suffering and sweat–
ing in the summer heat, she and the
other children begin their night–
marish march. Soon they are over–
come by heat and a strange sense of
terror. The sound of their singing
begins to wane and lose its tune.
Romacia and the other helpless
children will soon cross the border
between life and death. She is only
one of more than two million Polish
Jews who would perish.
Where Was God?
Why did little Kristen, these 44
French children and little Romacia
have to die? Why, many ask, does