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infighting and palace intrigue. But
the problem of ter rorists began
before David ever assumed office as
king over
ancient Israel. First
there was a long civil war between
the House of Saul and the House of
David. Joab was David's chief gen–
eral and Abner filled that particu–
lar post with Saul's son, the puppet
king Ishbosheth.
Tbe tides of battle were increas–
ingly running in David's favor. And
it just so happened that Abner and
his "head of state" had a falling out
over the sexual favors of one of
Saul's concubines. An angry Abner
then decided to come to terms with
David and del iver the balance of
the kingdom into his hands. A
peace par ley soon ensued.
Being an astute statesman, David
was host to a state dinner in Hebron
for Abner and his men. A suitable
accord was subsequently reached
and Abner began his journey back to
Mehanaim. A short time later Joab
returned to Hebron from battle and
heard "the good news."
Immediately Joab requested an
audience with David and accused
Abner of política! treachery in
order to gain a military advantage.
Tben without David's knowledge or
consent , Joab dispatched a group of
"emissaries." after Abner who per–
suaded hi'm to meet with Joab for
further consultations.
The New Engl ish Bible graphi–
cally describes the cruel murder
that followed. "On Abner's return
to Hebron, Joab drew him aside in
the gateway,
as though to speak
privately with him,
and t bere, in
revenge for his brother Asahel , he
stabbed him in the belly, and he
died" (Il Sam. 3:27).
This was
an act of terrorism.
Abner, perhaps expecting to dis–
(Continued on page 40)
TWO 80MB EXPLOSIONS, claimed by
the IRA, took place severa/ minutes apart
in Central London, Ju/y
In Hyde
Park-scene of first attack- a rigged
auto blew up as a detachment of Horse
Guards passed by. Emergenéy treatment
was given the wounded. Present at the
scene was Nico/a Da/y, widow of the /ieu–
tenant leader of the Horse Guards who
died in the exp/osion. With her sister, she
cried and encouraged on the new guards,
who rep/aced the dead and the wounded.
The second bomb explosion occurred in
Regent 's Park.