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ANew Leap Forward in Publishing
Ambassador College, Pasadena,
pened its doors for the 36th
consecutive year, 1 was moved once
again to recall the amazing growth
of this Work.
few real ize the magnitude to which this
worldwide Work of God has g rown.
is now a
major-scale educational program worldwide.
Actually, the Work started in 1934 with just me
and my wife Loma.
The college, with an undergraduate curr ículum
and students in residence on campus, was founded
later in 1947 with four students and a faculty of
eight. Today there are two campuses and about 900
s tudents.
The sun never sets on our offices, plants and
operat ions around the world . Our full-time staff is
nearly 2,000 and its expenditures into the multiple
is the intriguing story of making the
in education available to millions of
people. l t is the success story of something never
done before--of a huge educational enterprise
worldwide-seemingly incredible, yet an
accomplished and living fact. And l didn' t build or
accomplish it. No man could!
Here, in brief condensat ion, is the story from its
I had experienced an uncommon early training in
business, in the specific field of journalism and
advertising. This led to catching the vision of the
missing d imension in today's educat ion. l had tou red
the United States as "idea man" for America's
largest trade journal to search out ideas successfully
used in business and in community development and
social welfare. I had pioneered in surveys, by
personal interview and by questionnaire, obtaining,
tabulating, analyzing and classifying information on
business and social conditions.
Through this intensive research cover ing many
succeeding years in my own advertising business, 1
November / December 1982
was being t remendously impressed with the unhappy
fact that even in the affiuent United States there
was a tragic dearth of peace, happiness and abundant
l was aware also, of course, of the sickening
conditions of poverty, ignorance, filth and squalor,
starvation, disease and death in the lives of more
than half of all the ear th's population- in many
areas of Asia, Africa, Sou th America-not to speak
of sorne areas equally wretched in the United States
and parts of Europe.
To me it didn't make sense. For every
effect there had to be a
I didn' t know the
Nor was it revealed through education.
Then , at age 35, I was challenged and angered
into an in-depth study of evolution and of the
biblical account of special creation. I s tudied the
writings of Darwin, Lyell, Huxley, Spencer, Haeckel
and Vogt. I researched into scientific evidence for or
against the existence of God. From all sources,
found absolute proof, to me, of the falsity of the
theory of evolut ion. And I found , of all places, in
the Bible the
to the question of all the
world's evils.
l learned what it seemed neither science,
education nor religion had d iscovered: there is in
living, inexorable motion an invisible spiritual
that regulates all human relationships. I learned
through this the
of all world ills.
The living, but invisible, spi r itual law is simply
the one w
that is diametrically
contrary to the way humanity has been traveling.
is the way of love ins tead of lust, the way of
giving, sharing, serving and helping, instead of
the way of taking and accumulating in lust and
is the way of outgoing concern instead
of incoming selfish desire. The way of courtesy
a nd consideration instead o f envy, j ealousy,
resentme nt , bitterness, hatred. The way of
cooperation instead of competition . The way of
humility and exalting God, ins tead of vanity and
exalting the self. The way of God-centeredness,
constantly expanding
(Continued on page 43)