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of the editors of tbe British news–
The Guardian
to remark: " If
that is to be a central doctrine of
the ecumenism of our times, the
Pope has a more universal church
behind him than even he knew."
Attalnable Union Sought
Sorne experts believe now that, in
view of rapidly deteriorating world
conditions, time simply does not
permit the luxury of years of wait–
ing for scbolarly reports arrived at
by snai l-paced ecumenical commis–
sions. Complete, s tructured c hurch
unity may be unattainable, they
say, except perhaps for those bodies
closest to the Roman Catholic cen–
ter- the Orthodox, the Anglicans
and the Lutherans.
Ranging out from this possible
core, the looser goal o f religious
union, or close cooperation, may
suffice. This is how the Religious
Affairs correspondent of the
of London, C liffor d Long ley,
expressed his view of a less struc–
tured union:
"Unity so far has been debated
as the search for common intellec–
tual opinions on abstract details of
fa ith ; o r as an organi zati o nal
reform ... [neitber] of those go to
the heart of the matter. The Chris–
tian unity being sought is not social
or st ructural unity, but religious
unity. Religiously rather than orga–
nizationally, tbe proper word for it
is union rather than unity."
However the unity-or looser
union- is arrived at, a top official
on the staff of Archbishop Runcie
admitted that the Pope would enjoy
a unique role as a front-line spokes-
Personal from...
(Continued from page 1)
spiritual treasure to be enjoyed in
indescri b ab le accompli sh men t
throughout all eternity.
But now while talking about inter–
est in the lives of PEOPLE,
about yours?
Is it like that of most
people- half awake even to your
possibilities for material success in
this world ? Are you, like the majori–
ty, using less than half of your nor–
mal MI NO power? Are you, like most
PEOPLE today, utterly UNAWARE of
the supreme PURPOSE the Great
man-like personality: "We Chris–
tians need to see a personal figure
of unity. We see the value of one
man.... So we are beginning to see
the point of a Pope for the world–
wide Christian churches- just so
long as their t raditions are not
swallowed up in Roman Catholic
A reunified churc h, however
constituted, could eventually move
in concert with other great rel i–
gions of the world- and human
goverrunents as well- in a last–
ditch effort to achieve world peace.
Bible prophecy indicates the emer–
gence of just such a future church–
state effort in Europe, the cont i–
nent most threatened with nuclear
devastation .
This effort might even be pre–
sented as the prophesied fu lfillment
of the Kingdom of God on earth.
But will it be?
The prophet Daniel, in interpret–
ing under God's inspiration, tbe
dream of Nebuchadnezzar, clearly
explained that at the very end of
this age,
" the God of heaven
set up a kingdom which shall never
be destroyed" (Dan. 2:44, RSV).
will be a kingdom "cut from a
mountain by no human hand"–
meaning it will be a
ment. Its rulers, members of the
Family of God, wi ll be immortal.
True Gospel of Peace-What
ls lt?
Will the c hurches of this world be
able to bring about the peace so
obviously needed ? Tragically, the
history of religion and C hristianity
in particular is as rent with divi-
ING as to be almost beyond human
belief-yet it's REAL and it's TRUE!
you would like to have UNDER–
STANDING of this ultimate supreme
human potential, 1'11 be happy to
send you, gratis, my newest booklet,
Never Before Understood.
Also, if
you'll really DO SOMETHING to
send you a copy of my
Th e Inc redib l e Human
a1so gratis.
Consider, now, what YOUR life
ouGHT to be.
should be healthy,
based on a right diet, sufficient sleep
sion, s trife and warfare as is the
history of the secular nations of this
What is little understood is that
J esus carne into the world nearly
2,000 years ago proclaiming the
gospel of "the kingdom of God"
(Mark 1:15). The gospel is the
"good news" of world peace that
can only be brought about by the
restoration of the government of
God that was taken away from
this earth almost 6 ,000 years ago.
That Kingdom is not yet here.
therefore is not a cburc h govern–
ment or union.
Jesus was put to death for his
message, under pressure from the
religious authorities of bis day. But
he rose from the dead. He wi ll
return the second time as the ruler
of the Kingdom of God of which he
prophesied , this time to be its
supreme " King of kings" (Rev.
19:16). J esus was, in parable form,
the young "nobleman [who] went
into a far country [heaven] to
receive king ly power and then
return" (Luke 19: 12, RSV) .
Others, called by God, trained–
ed ucated- by God 's word, a nd
overcoming the pulls of this godless
society, will rule with Christ in the
divine government to be established
over the nations of the world ( Rev.
2:26 and 5: 10).
The Kingdom of God, a govern–
ment ruled over by individuals
changed from mortal to immortal,
united into the fami/y of God,
bring this world the peace that
people today so long for .
This is the unity that will pro–
duce the desired result. o
and normal but not excessive exer–
cise. You should be vigorously,
physically and
mentally, AWAKE to the real PUR–
POSE of human life-to become, by
development of righteous godly
CHARACTER, ultimately a divinely
born spirit-composed son of Goo–
actually a Goo being in the Goo
FAMILY! You should be dynamically
and spiritually inspired with a WILL
to live Goo's wAYOF LIFE, in enrap–
tured STUDY of HlS WORD to guide
you in living Goo's wAY, with vigor–
ously active SERVICE and devotion to
developme nt of God's spiritual
CHARACTER into your Jife.