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show his Second Coming was near (Matt. 24:3).
Befare giving t hat sign, he foretold a
prophecy- that certain wor ld conditions would pre–
cede one great indicator of his soon return. Those
occurrences are given in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and
Luke 21.
l. First, what did Jesus warn about those who
would proclaim that he- Jesus- is t he Christ? Matt.
24:4-5,11. What are we told elsewhere about t hose who
present themselves as Christ's representat ives? II Cor.
11:13- 15. Whom do these ministers actual!y represent?
Verses 14- 15. How could this be? Rev. 12:9.
2. What else would occur besides the coming of
many false ministers? Matt. 24:6-7.
COMMENT: J ust since World War
alone there
have been more than 150 armed conflicts around the
world! We are now in a lull between rounds two and
three of world war!
3. Would
also precede Christ's interven–
lían in world affairs? Verse 7.
COMMENT: T he facts of lagging world food pro–
duction , combined wi t h t he reality of t he population
explosion, add up to one thing: A crisis of awesome
proport ions is exploding on the wor ld's doorstep! T he
severa/ mil/ion
al ready dyi ng each year from s tar–
vation could soon be multiplied. H undreds of mil–
lions of human beings could die of starvat ion- even
th e affluent nations a r e not immune to this
4. What else was prophesied to occur? Same
COMMENT: Pest ilence (disease epidemics) is the
natural result of Jack of sanitation, of food shortages
and civil wars. The way is already prepared for a
reviva) of pestilence. More population means more
mouths to feed, more crowding, more waste and
refuse, more garbage, more pollution of the water,
air and Jand. And
more disease!
Jesus' words, spo–
ken more than 1,900 years ago, are certainly pro–
5. What else will happen with increasing severi–
ty? Matt. 24:7. W hen earthquake activity reaches a
peak, will men at last begin to recognize that God is
intervening? lsa. 2:19-21.
6. Are the signs Jesus foretold only t he
o f great distress? Matt. 24:8.
COMMENT: Wars, famine, disease and various dis–
ruptions of nature are taking an increasi ng toll of
human life today.
atice that the "beginning of sorrows" described
by Jesus is also pictured by the four horsemen of
Revelation 6:1-8. They represent the world conditions
J esus said would exist at the end of this age- all
increas ing in severity and overlapping in t heir effects
on the entire world! (For more details, write for our
free booklet
The Four Horsemen of Lhe Apoca–
7. What tremendous toll of life will be taken by
these world catastrophes? Rev. 6:8.
COMMENT: J ust imagine, if you can, ONE FOURTH
of mankind subject to famine and death dur ing a
period described as only the
of sorrows"!
But let's not forget that man is bringing this
horrible suffering and death
upon himself.
knew that man, left to his own devices apart from
God, and despite his scientific breakthroughs in agri–
culture, would ultimately destroy al l life on earth.
That is why he has promised to intervene in world
8. Finally, what is the one majar s ign clearly
ind icating that the end of man 's rule and C hr ist's
return are
very near?
Matt. 24:14, Mark 13: 1
COMMENT: Today, these scriptures are being ful –
fi lled befare your very eyes and ears-in the pages of
Plain Truth
magaz ine, and through the
radio and television broadcasts. The "gas–
pe! of the kingdom of God" - t he gospel message Jesus
preached (Mark 1: 14)- is aiready being proclaimed
9. Will J esus Christ return with great power and
glory? Matt. 24:30. Will he come to rule the entire
earth? Rev. 19: 15-16. What will be the resul t of his
rule? l sa. 2:2-4; 11:9.
COMMENT: Your Bible shows there
is hope
mankind. God will not allow t he misguided scient ific
genius of man to destroy aJI life on this planet! He is
going to send J esus Christ again- this time toSAVE us
from ourselves and to establish the government of God
on earth .
Think of it!
The glorified Christ returning in all the splendor,
power and glory of God to STOP escalating wars,
nuclear mass destruction, human pain and suffering–
coming to usher in peace, abundant well-being, happi–
ness and JOY for all mankind!
- Prepared by Richard Sedliacik
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