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Is There aReal
Roderick C. Meredith
There is an unseen world about which modern man knows very little.
a world of spir its
or spirit beings? Is there
a devil?
How do we account for so
many areas of extrasensory
experience that physical scien–
tists are at a loss to explain?
Not so long ago a major British
newspaper reported: " Increasing
numbers of people who believe
themselves to be possessed by an
evil spirit are being given exorcism
by Church of England clergy."
This- in the 20th century?
And in the United States a popu–
lar newspaper headlined an article:
"Transcendental Meditation l s
Dangerous. " The writer, a former
TM teacher, warned: " Once 'the
movement gets a hold on you, life is
a constant struggle for sanity," said
Richard Scott of Manchester,
Conn. " l 've seen meditators who
were thrown across the room by
invisible forces."
Invisible forces?
In this mixed-up society, many
people are bored and frustrated.
They become "seekers." They
involve themselves with astrology
and psychic activities of var ious
kinds. They want to "experience" a
spirit world out there. But they for–
get-or may never have realized–
that many who give themselves over
they do not understand
not come out the same again!
is time we come to
the truth about this much misun–
derstood unseen world-the world
of spirit forces behind the increas–
ing manifestations of physically
unexplainable events, certain forms
of mental illness, the horrifying and
unnatural acts of violence masquer–
ading as insanity- and even reli–
that masquerade as
acts of God.
The "now" generation is so
engulfed in materialism that it is
unaware of unseen evil forces that
have seduced today's hedonistic
The ONE Source of Knowledge
Physical scientists cannot explain
what has gone wrong in human civ–
ilization. Psychologists and psy–
chiatrists are puzzled. Rel igions
have speculated about the causes of
evils. Isn't it time we looked at the
reliable source of knowledge
about spirit and spiri t ual matters–
the revelation of the Creator Goo
to mankind. Of course you can
reject this revelation-which we
know as the Holy Bible-but then
you have no answer to the very
questions that have puzzled
thoughtful scientists.
God reveals in his written revela–
tions of essential spiritual knowledge
that he is spirit ( John 4:24). He is
the Supreme Creator Spirit Being.
He is called the "Father of spirits"
(Heb. 12:9). He is spoken of in this
way in the Holy Bible.
The Bible claims to be the
revea/ed Word of God-a
tion of essential knowledge not
otherwise accessible to men. Jesus
of Nazareth said that man should
live by its every word (Matt. 4:4).
Jesus also said that the Bible
not be broken- cannot
be dis–
proved either by interna( or exter–
na( evidence (John 10:35).
directly by the Creator
(11 Tim. 3:16).
is God's "hand–
book" wherein he reveals under–
standing to man that could not be
obtained any other way.
The Holy Bible, then, is the final
authority on questions of origins,
purposes, and whether there is a
devil and demons.
The Source Speaks
T he earliest part of the Bible was
originally written in Hebrew. I t
reveals the origin of the devil. He did
not begin as the devil , but as a super–
powerful spirit being-an angel of
light. But he Jet vanity enter his
mind and rebelled against his Maker
(see l saiah 14:12-14 and Ezekiel
28:11-17). He became Satan.
In Hebrew the word
means " Obst ructor" or "Opposer."
This should give us a clue as to
Satan 's attitude, which he has
infused into human civil ization .
In the Greek New Testament,
Satan is defined as the " tempter,"
the "evil one," the "accuser," the
"prince of the power of the air,"
the "father of líes," the "ruler of
this world ."
So there is an unseen world of
spirits- good and evil. There is not
only a Creator God, but there are
lesser spirit beings, two thirds of