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L.E. Torrance
Here is how to locate and keep the job you need.
Others have done it. So can
ESPITE major unem–
ployment vast num–
bers of people are
working today. How do they
find and keep their jobs?
Sorne of you reading this art i–
cle are right now in desperate
need of a job. Your rent is past
due, your money is gone, and you
may not know where your next
mea! for yourself and your family
is coming from.
locate a job! Here is a
way to find one. Read this carefully!
Finding Available Jobs
l n many areas, employment offi–
cials note jobs go begging for 1ack
of qualified takers. And many are
not menial tasks, but positions
offering sat isfaction and opportuni–
ty for growth.
While many in your area may be
looking for a job, there are definite
ways to improve
chances of
finding a
Available jobs go to those who
know how to get them!
Employment agency officials
report that those who tramp up and
September / October 1982
down the streets, VISitlng compa–
nies in a hit-or-miss fashion in the
hope of "turning up something,"
waste most of their time and sel–
dom find a job.
There are definite steps to take
in finding a job. Here they are.
Analyze Your Abilities
Your first step in finding a job is to
analyze your experience and your
ability. You need to find out how
many different types of work you
can do successfully.
Ask yourself, "What jobs have 1
done successfully? What work have
done that others have commended
me for doing exceptionally well?
What machinery and equipment
am I qualified to operate? What
vocational training have
in school or in the armed forces?"
Make a list of the
skills you have to offer to an
Most people underestimate their
working potential. It's amazing
how many different jobs a human
being can do.
Plan a Course of Action
Don 't go out blindly hunting a job
from door to door. You will save
yourself many fruitless, heart–
breaking hours if you
take the
effort to find out the exact name
and location of business concerns
who hire people who have your
abilities and skills.
Tbere are definite, precise ways
to find the names and addresses of
the companies you might work for.
Also the names of their key person–
nel who have the power to hire you
and put you to work.
One very practica! way to fi.nd a
job involves looking at the classified
ads of your newspaper. Jobs are
often listed in newspaper ads, trade
journals and professional publica–
tions. This gives you an immediate
source of available jobs, often with
telephone numbers to call.
Then there are the employment
agencies. They often place " Help
Wanted" ads in the newspapers.
You can also get their names and
addresses from the business section
of the telephone book. These agen–
cies make money by providing the
job-seeker with information about
available jobs.
Whenever someone is hired
through the agency, there is a fee