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What Our Readers Say
Alcoho l and Drug Abuse
T he basic object ive of all law
enforcement agencies is the
prevention of crime. The illegal
use of narcotics and other drugs
is one o f the most serious prob–
lems facing our society.
Dr ug use and add iction
affects all of us, directly or
indirectly, so the fight against
this problem is the responsibili–
ty of us all.
Your May issue of
The Plain
is one of t he best, and
most complete publications on
drug abuse
have ever seen.
would have taken me years to
gather this type quality informa–
t ion.
for one would like to
commend you on a job well
Wayne Elms
Butner Public Safety
Butner, North Carolina
1 wis h t o appla ud you r
cfforts in the May issue of
Plain Truth.
1 ama profession–
al alcohol and drug counselor
and have worked full time in
the field for 7 years.
Your coverage on alcohol
and drugs is the best, most
comprehensiblc material
seen in any magazine. And
look th rough a lot of them. This
issue, l'm sure, wil l be widely
Jim Dunnigan
Drug Unit
Hawtborne Community
Hospita l l nc.
Hawtborne, California
A Universal Language
read the article "A Universal
Language" and, after reading it,
carne to the conclusion that all
of it relies on the fact that there
was a God! l f there is no God,
then all this is hearsay!
is tr ue, having one lan·
guage for al! would help that
considerably, but that language
should be one without excep–
t ions, irregularit ies, etc. Most
of t he national languages have
those faults.
So we had better gct on with
adopti ng Esperanto straigh t
away without wait ing for God
to appear again. There may not
be one.
Frank M. Easton
Mic rocomputer Revo lution
Congratul ations to Donald
Schroeder on his pair of articles
on computers. Bei ng
mate part of the microcomputer
revolu tion,
can applaud t he
fres h insight long overdue,
while overlooking a layman's
technical generalities (the mi–
croprocessor is a form of inte–
grated circuit not developed
until the 1970s).
The microproccssor is the
g reatest tool yet devised by
man. Yet it is just that- a too!!
Human nat ure is the problem.
Mr. Schroeder [rightly] points
out that man's computer tech–
nology cannot solve spi ritual
is this idea that is
truly revolutionary.
Craig Ma rley
Kitcbener, Ontar io
Key to
Radi ant Health
1wanted to write and tell you
how much
enjoyed your ar ti–
cle "The Key to Radiant
Last yellr
made a very gal–
lant effort to rid m
home of al!
artificial colors, flavors and pre–
servatives. As mother of three
fairly young children and a hus–
band to fced, this was not easy.
To be quite frank,
gave up
trying to get rid of al! of it.
Even crackcrs containcd preser–
We are very blessed in that
we livc on a farm and raise
a lmost all of our meats, vegeta–
bies and even grains.
grind my own whole-wheat
flou r and
have fresh cornmeal
ground by a relative who has a
grinder. But 1 really wish 1
could gel away from all of these
harmful chemicals instcad of
just a few of them.
Jeri Holcome
corrective punishment
from God to
be meted out by "men o f t he
east"-a latter-day communist con–
federacy encompassing large por–
tions of the Asian continent.
falleth, and let not thine heart be
g lad when he s tumbleth: test t he
se e it , a nd it di splease
h im ... " (Prov. 24:17-18).
Were the people of J ordan to heed
Solomon's words of warning in the
t umul tuous days that lie ahead, they
could be spared the prophesied cor–
rect ive punishments of God at the
hands of the "men of the east." As
God himsel f declar es:
" If
t hat
nation, agains t whom 1 have pro–
nounced, turn from their evil, 1 will
repent of the evi l that I thought to do
unto them" (J er. 18:8) .
calamit ies that are to befall this
region: " But
I will
the fort unes of the Ammoni tes ... "
(49:6, RS Y).
T he prophesied retu rn to this
earth of Jesus Christ as Messiah
wi ll cut s hort the nig ht mar isb
calamities engulfing t be Middle
East and the whole earth . He wi ll
forcefu lly put an end to warfare
within and among nations. He will
usher in a millennium (Rev. 20:4 ,
5) o f peac e a nd prosper ity fo r
peoples everywhere- including the
child ren of Lot and other peoples
who live in mode rn J ordan.
The prophet Amos also descr ibes
this coming tragedy in verses 13 to
15 of chapter l. The prophet Jere–
miah li kewise provides a graphic
account of this coming j udgment
(49: l-6) . See also Zephaniah 2:8-
lmpo rt ant Lesson
T his prophesied move into J ordan
by " men of the east" wi ll provide
Jordanians with a painful lesson in
c haracter. King Solomon of ancient
Is rael cautioned:
" Rejoice not
when thine enemy
But even when people mistakenly
choose to learn their lesson the hard
way, there is sti ll good news beyond
the bad! God declares through J ere–
miah, after enumerat ing the fear ful
This seeming ly unsolvable Mid–
dle East problem will at last be
solved by the great God wbo knows
what is best for a ll peoples!