what it does to those around him.
The Plain Truth
has periodical–
ly expounded in-depth the scri p–
tura l precepts bearing on the
question of smoking. Smoking is
addictive and as such is detrimen–
tal to one's character.
is a dirty
habit and is an expression of
desire and a means of seif-gratifi–
cat ion, from which one derives
temporary pleasure at the expense
of long- term health and character
is a violation of
the command against lust (Rom.
7:7) .
Smoking, moreover, is more than
just an annoyance to others- it is a
health hazard to those nearby who
breathe the smoke.
is certainly
not an expression of outgoing
which "worketh no ill to his neigh–
bour" (Rom. 13:10).
Changes Ahead!
Our world today is aptly described
by the words the prophet Samuel
anciently used to portray the nation
of Israel. Read them, in Judges
21:25: "Every man did that which
was right
in his own eyes."
The sorry consequences, then as
now, were readily apparent.
This long-standing rebellion
against God's way of life will bring
human civilization to the very brink
of annihilat ion! (For a look al what
líes ahead in Bibl e prophecy,
requesl our free booklet
The Book
of Revelation Unveiled Al Last.)
But at the last moment, J esus
Chrisl will intervene in lhi s
world's affai rs to save mankind
from self-destruction and begin
setting lhings aright. Mankind
will at last be forced to confront
its his tory!
The contrast between lhe 6,000
years of man 's deciding
for him–
what is right and wrong and
the coming millennial rule of the
of God
on earth will
lcave no doubt . No longer will
mankind grope in darkness for its
own slandards of right and wrong.
All peoples will know, at last, the
true source
of law and morality.
"And many nations shall come,
and say, Come, and Jet us go up to
lhe mountain of the Lord, and lo
lhe house of the God of J acob; and
he will teach us of
ways, and we
walk jn,
paths: for the law
shall go forth of Zion, and the word
of the Lord from Jerusalem" (Mic.
The perfect law of God wi ll
become the very cornerstone of the
Kingdom of God. Then, unlike
today, "the earth shall be full of the
knowledge o f the Lord, as the
waters cover the sea" (Isa. 11:9) .
God has set before you two ways
of life: the way of obedience and
blessing, or disobedience and curs–
ing. For those who are willing, God
offers the benefits and blcssings of
his way of life
Write for our
free booklets
The Ten Command–
Why Humanity Cannot
So/ve lts Evils.
The choice is
(Continued from page 17)
and deploymenl for physical deliv–
erance. As nat ions, we have forgot–
ten God!
The result? "See now, lhe Lord,
lhe Lord Almighly, is aboul to take
from [the nalions of America and
Britai n] ... both supply and sup–
port: the hero and warrior, the
judge ... the caplain of fifty and
man of rank, the counselor, skilled
craftsman and ... 1 will make boys
their officials; mere children will
govern them" (lsa. 3: 1-4, NlV).
_. America will lose the abi lity to
lead t he West. Is this now happen–
In the technologically dependent
United States, nolice what has
already happened : In the 1960s
through 1970s, "the percentage of
scientists and engineers engaged in
R&D [research and development]
in the population increased by over
70 percent in West Germany and
over 100 percenl in Japan. 1n the
U.S. we found ourselves al the end
of the period with fewer engineers
and scientists than al the begin–
(America 's Techno/ogy Slip,
page 46).
Now consider Deute ronomy
28:30, " Thou shalt betroth a wife,
and another man shall lie with her:
thou shalt build an house, and thou
shalt not dwell therein: thou shalt
plant a vineyard , and shalt not
gather the grapes thereof. "
Ves, God here shows that the
United States and Br itain will not
enjoy the fruits of their labors, that
what they build ultimately will be
utilized by others. Is t he Word of
God being fu lfilled?
" In the 1970s the annual rate of
Ph .D. graduates fell by over 25 per–
cent and an increasing fraction of
these new doctorate holders were
foreigners, their number averaging
over a third"
Dr . Ramo lists other s lips in
developing American minds, finally
wisely noling: " The economic
advance of a nation depends greally
on science and engineering know–
page 49). But it's
widely acknowledged that America
has fallen gravely behind in these
arcas and is now desperately trying
to calch up.
The Baslc Cure
To maintain lhe blessings both the
United Stales and Britain previous–
ly enjoyed, God demands obe–
dience- thal lhese countries might
continue and actually enjoy real
Concerning the awesome punish–
ments about to engulf the United
States and Britain, God takes no
pleasure: "As 1 live, saith the Lord
God, [ have no pleasure in the
death of the wicked; but that the
wicked turn from his way and live:
turn ye,
turn ye
from your evi l
ways; for
why will ye die,
O house
of Israel?" (Ezek. 33:1 1).
The handwriting is: on the wall:
"Says S.A. Constance, managing
director of Man ufacturers Hanover
Ltd. , in London: the erosion of
American power is 'the most talked
aboul subject in the world' "
Decline of U.S . Power,
page 7).
Technological prowess can no lon–
ger prolong American and British
ways of life. For survival, our people
must begin to "trust in the Lord with
all thine heart; and lean not unto
thine own understanding. In all thy
ways acknowledge_him, and he shall
direct lhy paths" (Prov. 3:5-6). Are
our leaders willing?
Individually, also, the two ways
of life lie before each of us.
Which will you choose? The way
of give and love and outgoing con–
cern-or lhe way the nations have
gone- lhe way of greed and se1f–
ishness, wilh its heartaches, sor–
rows and fi nal national disaster?
is high time to choose the right ·