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Jack R. Ell iott
An honest scientist will examine
al/ sources
of knowledge
before reaching conclusions. But modern science has rejected a vital
source of true knowledge. Why?
has modern
sc i e nce
wrong? W h at is
wrong with modern scientific
educat ion that we face the
ultimate possibility of world
destruction t hrough scientifi c
Strange as it may seem, the
scientific world has the attitude
that motivated man 's first sin!
is the attitude of 'Til find out
for mysel
f. "
H e re is what
occurred in the first scientific
al! began when the first
woman was convinced that she
could not trust God to give her
right knowledge. She immediately
assumed the attitude of finding out
for herself. She experimeoted and
found that the fruit of the tree
looked good and tasted good and
was desirable. So she, considering
herself self-sufficient, took and ate
of the forbidden fruit (Gen. 3:6).
She had performed an experi–
ment and had drawn her own con–
clusion. She had scientific proof
that was demons trable
that she
was able to repeat the experiment
to Adam's satisfaction. He also
looked, tasted and found that it was
desirable. He, too, let scientific
experimentation decide his course
of action. The result: both died!
Science, by experimenting, care–
fully measuring and cataloging its
June / July 1982
findings has come u pon much
physical knowledge. Much of it is
helpful to you and me. But science,
like Adam and Eve, is unable to
discover all knowledge by experi–
mentation. There is vital knowledge
left which experimentation will not
Where adeq u ate, provable
knowledge is not at first available
by experiment, science must first
speculate what m ight be t he
stroy mankind . This generation
lives in fear.
Science, which has promised a
20th-century utopía, is actually
bringing abou t a 20 t h-centu ry
T his is because science has
rejected vital knowledge-knowl–
edge that is every bit as important
as the technological and ínventive
knowledge that science did uncov–
Scientists have brought about a push-button age.
They have unleashed power
that is astonishing. Even so, something
is wrong! The very power they have discovered
threatens to destroy mankind.
answer , then experiment to prove
or disprove the imagined theory.
This is exactly what Adam and
Eve did. And like Adam and Eve's
experiment, science's conclusions
often incorporate irrepar able er–
ror .
Scientific Achi evement
Scientists have brought about a
push-button age. T hey have un–
leashed power that is astonishing.
Even so, something is wrong!
Mankind is more unhappy than
ever before, and morals are at an
all-time low. T he very power they
have discovered threatens to de-
T his knowledge is the instruction
on how to use human inventions
and how to use the knowledge men
bave obtained.
J ust as Adam and Eve (Gen. 3),
scientists have rejected inst ructions
from the Creator. And, like Adam
and Eve, this action is causing mis–
ery and woe.
This vital knowledge is available
only from the Creator- the God
who created all laws, all life and all
mater ial. He is the one who set life
in motion. Only he knows the pu r–
pose for its creation and how it can
be used cor rectly. T h is knowledge
from God is necessary to guide and