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tion. In early 1981, Jean Mayer, an
internationally known nutritionist
and president of Tufts University,
had to write parents of undergrad–
uates there to warn, "It seems a
significant number of our students
need help in determining the prop–
er place of alcohol in their lives."
A significant part of the campus
was consuming vast quantities of
alcohol to the point where about
percent of those responding to a
campus survey said their alcohol
consumption was "out of control."
ls THIS What You Want?
Chemical anesthesia has only two
outcomes. At best, it eventually
becomes excruciatingly
the other end, continued alcohol
abuse leads to tragic consequences:
loss of respect, loss of happy rela–
tionships, loss of employment; and
finally, death, or worse for sorne, a
completely meaningless existence.
This need never be.
Alcohol itself is only an inert
substance incapable of doing either
good or evil of itself.
is the
one who either properly or improp–
erly uses it-the latter with tragic
In other words, the problem of
alcohol abuse lies
with alcohol,
but with the people who consume
What this means is that
we are
the problem.
People cannot solve thei r prob–
lems by simply reasoning in their
own minds and deciding for them–
selves what they want. There must
be an authoritative source to serve as
a guidepost. You wouldn't, for
example, entrust your life in the
hands of an airline pilot whose only
previous flying experience was in
watching other planes take off and
land! You would demand and expect
a fully experienced and qualified
individual who had received his
traini ng from an authoritative
Unfortunately, it is this lack of
knowledge of a n autho ri tative
source to guide mankind through
life that invites disaster.
Yes, few realize or understand
of man's interpersonal prob–
lems are
in nature. By seek–
ing only material answers to spiritual
problems, man
May 1982
ness, despair and frustration .
As the Creator of man, the great
eterna! God gave a detailed instruc–
tion manual for living life. He
revealed the broad principies neces–
sary for a successful and happy life
in his Word, which we call the Holy
Bible. Yet, tragically, few recognize
the inherent authority and remark–
able truth contained in the Bible.
With respect to alcohol, few real–
ize that tbe Creator
spelled out
proper and right uses of this often–
abused substance. Furtber, he gives
concrete principies and guidelines in
this divine handbook for man that
will guarantee a happy and fulfilling
marriage and provide the right kind
of home for children.
Teenage alcoholism
and alcohol abuse are
symptoms of a far
more complex problem:
disintegration of family
Contained in this guideline book
is the primary charge that parents
should take seriously their mar–
riages and rearing o
children .
Notice what God commands:
"These words you must learn by
heart, this charge of mine; you
must impress them on your chil–
dren, you must talk about them
when you are sitting at home and
when you are on the road, when
you lie down and when you r ise up"
6:6-7, Moffatt translation).
What are these principies? What
do we need to know-and practice?
Notice first that alcohol abuse by
youths generally arises out of two
basic backgrounds: a family in which
alcohol abuse has occurred (setting a
poor, negative attitude and exam–
ple); or one in which
no alcohol was
(prohibition). In this lat–
ter example, no
use and role of alcohol is conveyed to
the child.
Now, mark this: prevention of
alcohol abuse comes from right
understanding. At the earliest pos-
sible age, you need to know
not to use alcohol, where not to
use it , and how to use it in
As man views it, all of the above
limits are subjective-he (or she)
sets those limits.
The Voice of Authority
And that's precisely why we have so
many problems with alcohol! God
Almighty, the Creator of both man
and alcohol,
sets those limits .
rejecting God's authority (which at
this time, God allows mankind to
do), and taking to himself the
authority to make his own decisions,
eventual tragedy!
Thus, we have today's rampant alco–
hol abuse.
God's Word reveals that "a feast
is made for laughter, and wine
maketh merry" (Eccl. 10: 19). Here
we see that the proper use and set–
ting for alcoholic beverages can play
a positive role, but always in modera–
tion (Phi!. 4:5; Eph. 5: 18). The Bible
also reveals an example of the type of
company in which to consume alco–
holic beverages (John
what company to avoid-"Be not
among winebibbers ... " (Prov.
The Bible also points out other
positive applications (including di–
etary purposes) of alcohol
( L
5:23) .
In short, to decide not to consume
alcohol is not contrary to God's
teachings (Rom.
But, con–
versely, to bear children and with–
hold understanding about alcohol
through poor example andjor biased
information is a
charge in
God's sight.
There's only one way presently
available to man to understand spiri–
tual revelation. To come to the
knowledge God offers, you must
study his revealed written Word. As
a free help in this immensel y
rewarding study on a vast number of
subjects, we have avai lable the
Ambassador College Bible Corre–
spondence Course. In free monthly
lessons, you will see-through the
pages of your own Bible-how up–
to-date and relevant God really is to
your life.
Break down the barrier of spiri–
tual ignorance and learn to grasp
the ways of
success! o