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Sheila Graham
is a middle–
class housewife and
mother of two tee n–
Her husband Ted and sons
Gary and Tony- we shall cal)
them- have grown accustomed
to preparing their own break-
ders. Her doctor prescribed a tran–
Susan feels that the prescribed
tranquilizer, along with the mixed
drinks she has at lunch and each
evening befare bedtime, calms her
nerves. Does Susan have a develop–
ing problem with alcohol?
Karen T. is in hér late twenties,
are ftat midface, smaller-than-average eyes, long thin upper lip, short nose,
epicanthic folds on upper eyelids, low nasal bridge and facial asymmetry.
fasts. They don't disturb Mother in
the mornings. Susan suffers from
insomnia and various nervous disor-
and works in the local high school
office. She usually arrives home
befare her husband Fred and has a
hot meal waiting when he arrives.
She and Fred always have wine
with their dinner. Befare Fred's
arrival while preparing the mea!,
Karen usually sips wine to relax
after work.
Karen is anticipating her hus–
band's arrival even more so this
particular evening. She has a cou–
ple of bottles of champagne chilling
to celebrate his new promotion.
By 9 o'clock that evening, Kar–
en, without a word, rises and
unsteadily leaves the living room
for bed. Fred watches her. She's
overdone it again. He knows bet–
ter than to berate her- it would
only mean another nasty argu–
ment that Karen would probably
not remember anyhow. Is Karen a
problem drinker?
juggles her bag of gro–
ceries, files and papers as she
retrieves her key from her front
door. Pushing the door open with
her foot, she deposits her groceries
and papers on the kitchen table.
Then, lifting a gallon of white wine
from her grocery bag, Joyce
removes the seal and stopper and
fills a large water glass with ice
cu bes and wine.
She slips off her shoes, extin–
guishes her cigarette, and, with her
work from the office, curls up on
the couch. Befare long Joyce refills
her glass, carrying the bottle back
with her to the couch.
Next morning, Joyce, feeling
queazy, her head throbbing, show–
ers, struggles into fresh clothing,
pulls a brush through her hair and
hurries off to work. Most of Joyce's
evenings are speht in much the
same fashion. Is Joyce an alco–
Pregnancy and Alcohol
Whether your answer would be yes
or no in any of these cases, if either
Susan, Karen or Joyce were preg–
nant and her particular doctor was
aware of her drinking habits, an
(Continued on page 30)