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cited- as justification for indulging
in it.
Reasoning from Koranic princi–
pies, however, lslamic jurists and
scholars declared that a true Moslem
should avoid dependence-producing
(k hamr)
that cause
clouding of the mind and interfere
with rational thinking. Yet the use of
hashish had become well en–
trenched. Most users ignore the rul–
In sorne par ts of North Africa,
hashish became not justa substance to be
used, but a total
way of liJe!
And in
include a negative effect on tem–
perament and mood, memory, time
and spacial perception, sleeping
patterns and learning abi líty. It also
produces euphoría and a sense of
carefreeness, thus tending to sap
drive and vigor.
lt was these very effects that, in
part, sapped the vitality of the great
medieval Arab civilization-and
that today keep many societ ies in a
state of cont inua! stagnation!
The communities of North Afri–
ca have fallen prey to widespread
drug abuse possibly to a greater
extent than anywhere else in the
Moslem wor ld. A deepseated way
of life, hashish use will be difficult
to eradicate.
Human Government Limitad
North African governments have
sought to control hashish produc–
THE USE OF DRUGS OFTEN tion and traffic. But that is only
begins early in Arab Nortb Africa, part of the solu tion. Drug abuse
above. A young addict in Moslem Iran, cannot be Jegislated out of exis–
left, uses drugs under tbe eyes of an tence. Laws and police action sim–
indifferent patrol.
ply treat the
not the root
of drug abuse.
many areas, it remains · so to this
l n the final analysis, human gov–
day. It has become part of the cul- ernments will not solve the prob–
ture, with general social approval.
lem! They simply do not have the
In Morocco, for example,
to strike at its heart. A
grown in large quantities as a major
sol u tion ís beyond the
cash crop. It is smoked by a fairly grasp of human agencies.
high proportion of adult males and
T he only lasting solution must
a significant number of females as involve introduci ng a radically new
is viewed as a means of
a fternative way of lije
more attrac–
reliev ing everyday pressure and tive than the present one causíng the
personal cares, and as a remedy for problem-a new way of life whose
depression and anxiety.
is also fruits are genuine happiness and
seen as an asser tion of manliness contentment. T his is the only
and group spirit.
answer. Human governments cannot
T his attitude toward drugs among do it. Who will bring it about?
sorne Arabs is also being felt abroad.
God can-and
Plain Truth
correspondent Wolf-
The soon-coming reestablishment
gang Thomsen in Bonn reports that of the government or kingdom of
West German police are concerned God on earth by Jesus Christ will
by the positive representation of bring that new way of life to the
dr ugs by foreign drug dealers. nations of this world . All nations wi ll
Because of the traditions in their come under God's rule (Rev. ll: 15)
homelands, Arabs, Turks and other . and man's very
natu re
will be
dealers of foreign origin are touting changed by the power of God (Ezek.
drugs to German youtbs as useful 11: 19)! Peace, happiness and pros–
tools for raising one's self-worth. perity wi ll blanket the earth as
T his positive view of drugs makes it people begin living God's way of life.
harder for authorities to contain No longer will they feel a need for
their spread.
drugs or excessive alcohol to make
Studies have shown that the use life bearable.
of hashish produces numerous
That day is coming! And it may
detrimental effects, which most happen sooner than many migbt
users attempt to ignore . These think! o