What Is theWorst Sin?
hat is the greatest possible sin
anyone could commit?
Certainly a lack of gratitude is
one of t he most prevalent of sins.
Few have lea rned to really apprecia te what
they have.
But what is the
of all sins? The most
awful sin that can be committed is, perhaps, one of
the very
that most people would name.
T hink! Every good thing comes from Goo! He is
Creator, Sustainer, Ruler. His Glory is beyond
human imagination. His is the perfect holy and
righteous character. He
and is the very source
of, love, wisdom, goodness, might and power.
And yet, he, so great, so mighty, so glorious, is
extremely mindful of each one of us! He loves us
so very much he
his only begotten Son to pay
the penalty in our stead of our folly-our sins. He
raised his begotten Son J esus Christ from the dead,
very Goo by his resu rrection, and gave to him
all the POWER and the GLORY of the entire
universe, making him, the r isen ever-living CHRIST,
the Administrator and Chief Executive over the
supreme government of the limitless UNIVERSE!
More than that, through J esus Christ, God has
made it possible for us to receive the very
Spi rit- the LI FE- the divine NATURE of Goo! Thus
we become coheirs
Christ , that we, too, may
be BORN by a resurrection as very SONS of Goo.
Jesus Chris t was made the firstborn of many
brethren! He, C hrist, al ready has
we through him may become joint
to later
inherit all that is God's- the UNIVERSE ENTIRELY!
Can your mind grasp it?
All that is God's, we
may share!
A portion of this we may imbibe, drink in, be
filled with and enjoy
here and now,
even in this
temporary life! Every good thing
comes from
Now consider what this contact with the living
God means.
Even now, in this frail human life, we may
receive from him guidance and wisdom, protection
from physical harm, healing when ill , peace of
mind, deliverance from trouble and all the
attributes of his character- his divine love, faith,
patience, assurance, goodness, power to overcome.
From him and from him alone, we may drink in
real happiness and joy! From hi m we may receive
the knowledge of the TRUE VALUES- we may know
tbe PURPOSE of life-the wAY to every good thing.
We may receive every good and perfect gift that
comes down from above!
Now what would be the worst, the most terrible
sin one could possibly commit?
is self evident.
is to have another god before the t rue living Goo!
Whatever occupies your interest more than God
and his Word is the idol you are putting before
him. None can be t ruly converted- actually
of God- unt il whatever is his IDOL has
been smashed , and torn root and branch from his
affection and mind and heart.
What is it that
can't give up?
You' ll
to give it up, you know-or
you are
committing the most awful sin it is possible to
is the sin that shuts you off from that
with Goo !
God tells us that bis ear is not deaf tbat he
cannot hear our petitions. His arm is not short that
it cannot respond- but OUR SINS have separated
between him and us, that he
wi/1 not
The g reatest possible sin is that which shuts you
out from the greatest possible acquirement!
The most terrible possible PUNISHMENT that
could be sentenced and carried out on any human
would be to permanently and irrevocably cut one
off from all possible access to Goo!
This world
cut off from God- it has cut itself
off! Yet ,
irrevocably. You may
to the Great God-through J esus Christ our
Lord! The wAY is unconditional su r,render of your
rebellious will to HIS- to HIS wAY- his right and
perfect laws. The wAY, then, is by faith in J esus
Christ as personal Savior. o