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the bridegroom, and the voice of
the bride, the voice of them that
shall say, Praise the Lord of hosts:
for the Lord is good; for bis merey
endureth for ever ..." (Jer. 33:7,
A city can only be as prosperous ·
as the hinterland upon which it
depends for its food and raw mate–
rials. In the world tomorrow this
problem will be_solved, too. Agri–
cultural prosperity will be unbeliev–
ably great in all rural areas. "And
the desolate land [most of today' s
earth] shall be tilled, whereas it lay
desolate in the sight of all that
passed by. And they shall say, This
land that was desolate is become
like the garden of Eden; and the
waste and desolate and ruined cities
are become fenced, and are inhab–
will increase them witb
men like a flock" (Ezek. 36:34-35,
In the world tomorrow, city
dwellers aren't going to be crowded
into small, crackerbox apartments
witb no backyards and almost no
privacy. lnstead, " they shall build
the waste cities, and inhabit them;
they sha/1 plant vineyards,
drink the wine thereof;
they sha/1
also make gardens,
and eat the
fruit of them" (Amos 9:14).
Imagine! Gardens
the city!–
actually growing food! And imag–
ine people interested in
garden and working in it! With
good food and sufficient exercise,
fresh air and sunshine, city people
will be robust and healthy instead
of pallid and sickly.
Yes, the cities of the world
tomorrow are going to be far supe–
rior to anything on eartb today.
God promises: "And I will multiply
upon you man and beast; and tbey
shall increase and bring fruit: and I
will settle you after your old
estates, and
wi/1 do better unto you
than at your . beginnings:
and ye
sbaJl know tbat I am the Lord"
(Ezek. 36:11) .
Jerusalem the Capital Clty
In just a few sbort years Jerusa–
lem will be tbe
of the
whole world. In tbe world tomor–
row it will be the world capital
and tbe model city from wbicb all
otber cities will get tbeir example.
will be fabulous beyond
Jesus Cbrist, as chief ruler, will
make bis dwelling tbere. Witb him
will be many otber bigb-ranking
spirit rulers and assistants who will
help bim administer God' s world
Here are a few highligbts of
what Jerusalem will be like tben:
"Beautiful for situation,
tbe joy
of the wbole eartb, is mount Zion
[a part of Jerusalem], on the sides
of tbe nortb, the city of the great
King. God is known in her palaces
for a refuge" (Ps. 48:2-3) .
"Out of Zion,
the perfection of
God batb sbined" (Ps.
"Jerusalem shall be
(Zecb. 14:11).
"Jerusalem sball be inhabited as
towns without walls for the multi–
tude of men an9 cattle tberein"
(Zecb. 2:4).
Tbe gates of Jerusalem will be
open day and nigbt (Isa. 60: 11) so
that tbe various peoples and nations
can bring gold, silver and valuable
materials into it. Tbey will be rich–
ly blessed for doing tbis, and tbose
wbo refuse will be "utterly wasted"
(verse 12).
All kinds of rare woods will be
brougbt "to beautify the place of
my [God's] sanctuary; and 1 [God]
will make tbe place of my feet glo–
rious" (verse 13).
Jerusalem will be called "Tbe
city of tbe Lord, Tbe Zion of tbe
Holy One of Israel" and it will be
made "an eternal excellency, a joy
of many generations" (verses 14-
" For brass I will bring gold,
and for iron I will bring silver,
and for wood brass, and for stones
iron: I will also make tby officers
peace, and thine exactors righ–
teousness. Violence sball no more
be heard in thy land, wasting nor
destruction within thy borders;
but tbou shalt call tby walls Sal–
vation, and tby gates Praise"
(verses 17-18).
"Tbou sbalt be called, The city
of rigbteo'usness, tbe faitbful city"
(Isa. 1:26) .
Truly, ••Gtorious things are spo–
ken of tbee, O city of God"! (Ps.
Delegations from all nations wiJJ
go up to Jerusalem to worsbip, to
otfer praise and tbanksgiving, to be
spiritually uplifted and inspired,
and to receive instruction from God
and bis. servants.
••Jerusalem is builded as a city
tbat is compact togetber [sky–
scrapers] : wbitber tbe tribes go
up, the tribes of tbe Lord, unto
the testimony of Israel, to give
thanks unto tbe name of the Lord.
For tbere are set tbrones of judg–
ment, tbe tbrones of tbe bouse of
David. Pray for tbe peace of Jeru–
salem: tbey shall prosper tbat love
tbee. Peace be witbin thy walls,
and prosperity witbin tby palaces"
(Ps. 122:3-7).
sball yet come to pass, that
tbere sball come people, and tbe
inbabitants of many cities: and tbe
inbabitants of one city shall go to
anotber, saying, Let us go speedily
to pray before the Lord, and to
seek tbe Lord of hosts: I will go
also. Yea, many people and strong
nations sball come to seek tbe
Lord of bosts in Jerusalem, and to
pray before the Lord" (Zecb .
This is wbat Jerusalem will be
like in just a few short years!
Tomorrow'a. Cltlea and YOU
There is mucb, mucb more that
could be said about tomorrow's cit–
Tbey will bave for visitors
delightful restaurants wbose per–
sonnel cheerfully and courteously
serve sumptuous
meals- without
sickening pall of cigarette smoke
banging beavy in tbe air. Tbey will
have no obscene and violent
movies- only clean, wholesome,
entertaining, educational films- all
under supervision of God's govern–
ment. They will present tbrilling
musical productions. Tbey will
have exciting recreational centers. •
They will bave
lating museums of art, science and
natural history.
Cities ought to be places wbere
people go to be intellectually chal–
lenged, to be mentally stimulated,
to be socially invigorated, to be cul–
turally enriched and to be spiritual–
ly inspired!
In tbe world tomorrow, cities
this way.
The big question for you is, will
vou be tbere to enjoy it? Will vou
bave a part in making these cities
fabulous places for people to
live? o