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BEINGS ruling in God's government
on this earth under J esus Christ!
God has promised a posit ion of
rulership in the soon-coming world
tomorrow to ALL who by their lives
in t his present age- t he wor ld
today- meet the cond it ions which
God has laid down.
"And he that overcometh [and
that includes human natu re], and
keepeth my works unto the end, to
him will 1 give
power over the
And he shall
with a rod of iron" (Rev. 2:26-
For sorne this "power over the
nations" is going to involve
ship over cities.
This is shown by
the parable of the pounds in Luke
19. In this parab1e example, ruler–
ship over two, five or ten cities is
given to those who qualify. Those
who overcome and produce more
are given the g reate r rewards
(verses 16-19). Those who fai l to
produce anything receive no reward
(verses 20-27).
G od is going to appoint as
tomorrow's mayors those who qual–
ify for positions of rulership over
cities. For more details about the
entire pattern o f God's govern–
ment, as it will be in the world
tomorrow, wri te for our free book
The Wonderful World Tomor–
row-What I t Wi/1 Be Like.
Tomorrow's cities wi ll be ruled
by Spiri t Beings who are God. And
will they rule? Why, with all
the resources of wisdom, under–
standing, love, might and POWER of
the God Family!
How These Mayors Wlll Rule
These rulers won' t cater to sorne
groups a nd individuals a t th e
expense of others. They won't be
influenced in the least by petty pol–
itics. Their rule will be
They won' t fear being thrown
out of office by unruly troublemak–
ers. They will possess the power to
swiftly put down any self-exalting,
rebellious elements.
Neither will these rulers tolerate
filth , shi ftlessness and degeneracy.
Today when uncultu red fami lies
are put in new apartments and
schools by the government, what
happens? Do these people appre–
ciate what they are g iven? In many
cases NO! In a period of months
many new facilities have fixtures
Aprll 1982
stolen, doors and windows are
broken, the smell of urine pervades
halls and elevators and the whole
place is a
In tomorrow's cities people will
be taught that this is not the way to
live. They will s imply not be
to be degenerate. Those
on being that way will be
punished so swiftly and surely that
they will learn very quickly. And
all wi ll hear and fear!
Yes, tomorrow's mayors will
guide their subjects to obey God
and to receive his blessings. They
will impose a warm and mercifu l
rule that will bring
They will
on happiness for their citi-
Why can't city
streets be clean,
broad, tree–
lined avenues
interspersed with
sparkling fountains,
malls and imaginative
zens. They will
in their lives. And they will COM–
MAND them to be healthy, and
filled with a sense of well-being and
And most of these subjects will
quickly learn that God's way is
best. They will
God's Spirit to
lead and guide them. They will
to obey God's laws. They
will be converted, cooperat ive
With this kind of divine ruler
and this kind of subject, the rest is
a sheer joy to think about.
Can Clties Be Clean, Beautlful,
Safe and lnsplrlng?
Why can't city streets be clean,
broad , tree-lined avenues inter–
spersed with sparkling fountains,
interesting malls and imaginative
sculpture? Why can't the city's
conglomeration of bright lights be
a rra nged in beautiful, a rti stic
schemes and designs? Why can't
unsightly poles, conduits and wir–
ing be un iversally hidden from
view? Why can't gaudy neon signs
be toned down and ugly billboards
be eliminated ? Why can't neces–
sary informat ion on buildings be
done in neat lettering with good
Why can't city buildings have
appealing architectural flair and
design--complementing one anoth–
er in an aesthet ic, harmonious
whole? Why can't public buildings,
schools and churches be devoid of
pagan symbols and be kept unde–
faced and unmarred?
Why can't air and water be clean
and pure? Why can't dumping
unnecessary soot, waste, refuse and
chemicals into ai r and water be
stopped? Why can' t industry be
located in a separate part of the
city, where its natural noise and
d irt wouldn ' t affect the homes,
schools and s tores?
Why can't cities have adequate
parks and playgrounds with trees,
shru bs, flowers, birds, animals,
lakes and st reams?
Why can't cities have fast, effi–
cient systems of transportation that
will whisk people downtown with–
out having to clog the s treet with
their cars? Why can't cars be built
so they don't pollute the air ?
Why can' t cities be
can't elderly people go for an eve.–
ning stroll without being assaulted?
Why can' t children play without fear
of being molested? Why can't people
go shopping without fear of being
robbed-either by a pickpocket or
by the cheap, shoddy, misrepre–
sented products they buy?
The answers to all these ques–
tions- and dozens more like them
is- THEY CAN! Cities CAN be clean,
beautiful , safe and inspiring.
But about the only hope of ever
achieving these things in today's
cities is to
start from scratch!
that is exactly what is going to be
done. But
Today's Cltles to Be· Destroyed
As we have a lready shown, in
tomorrow's cities, God is going to
establish a program to
human nature.
As this program
gets into full swing, the sociological