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An ExcitingPreview
cities are
going to surpass your
wildest imagination!
They wi ll be the most
exciting, the most spectacular,
the most modero up-to-date cities
the world has ever known. They
wi ll be like spa rkling jewels on
t he landscape- fi lled with ra–
diant beauty, with peace and
prosperity, with happy, healthy
people. Mankind will never have
seen anything like it!
Sound too good to be true?
Sound impossible?
Such cities are coming- and
that before the end of this cen–
But where wi ll they be built?
will bui ld them- and
B lueprints Alread y Pre pa red
Basic plans for these fabulous cities
have already been drawn up. All
the necessary resources to see this
entire plan through to successful
completion are available.
The plan is already so far along
that a select g roup is right now
being given top-ftight training to
qualify for future responsibi lities as
administrators of these cities.
Everything is being carefully
worked out.
is being left
to chance. The major problems of
today's cities will be completely
solved in advance before construc–
tion on tomorrow's c ities ever
Eugene M. Walter
Today's cities, by contrast, are a
mess. Aod the bigger the city,
chances are, the bigger that mess is.
Pro blems T hat Need a So lution
Today, city air is laden with every
kind of foul pollutant imagina ble.
Noxious soot, dust and chemical
debris from indus try. Toxic monox–
ide fumes and lead from hundreds
of thousands of motor vehicles.
S tale, filthy smoke from the mil–
lions of cigarettes smoked daily. In
sorne big-city areas multiple tons–
per-square-mi le of such refuse and
waste float down every single
City water has frequently been
reused oftener than anyooe cares to
remember. The water being used in
one city today has often been
ftushed dowo a commode and into
the sewer in another city just a few
days before.
T he food eaten by city dwell–
ers- probably g rown on depleted
soil to begin with- has been
waxed, polished, colored, pasteur–
ized , homogenized , taken apart ,
preserved and c hemically "en–
ric hed" until it contains pathetical–
ly little .nourisbment.
The noise leve! is right on
brink of what the human mind can
tolerate and s ti ll remain sane.
T he normal working day's rou–
tine for many begins and ends with
a nerve-wracking fight through
miserably congested t raffic. And
what are the sigbts along the way
(besides the back end of the car in
front of you)?
A miserable jungle-like labyrinth
of steel , glass, wire, asphaJt and
streets, supermarkets,
shopping centers, housing tracts,
office buildings, railroad tracks,
electrical lines and industrial smoke–
stacks. A helter-skelter conglomera–
tion of unsightly billboards and
gaudy neon signs. A sicken ing
bluisb-yellow haze cal led smog.
Small wonder so many people
seek escape!
But these are by no means the
only problems.
Pe rsonal Safety and Cr ime
In today's cities personal safety is
almost nonexistenL Without God's
protection you a ren't safe any–
where- not even in your own
borne. Not even with an elaborate
alarm system.
And on the street? Anything can
happen! Day or night.
The danger on city streets is no
longer confined to traffic accidents.
Today, the ..normal" street dangers
include the possibility of being
robbed, assaulted, stabbed or mur–
dered. lt includes the constant dan–
ger of someone suddenly going rav–
ing mad and shooting everyone in
In certain areas, especially at
night, the streets have plenty of
motor traffic, but the sidewalks are
empty. And if you do see an occa–
sional person on the sidewalk, you
immediately wonder whether he is
about to commit a crime or if he
has lost bis mental balance.
This is the shocking point to