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[that is, the intricate laws governing the universe],
so men are
without excuse"
(Rom. 1:1 9-20, New
International Version).
Yes, to deny God 's existence with
prejudice- without seriously investigating the
possibility- is intellectual vanity.
Note here also, that God will not reveal himself
Understand the basis
and background of what you
learn; don't blindly accept
unsubstantiated "knowledge."
on jus t any terms. Men fal sely assume that God is
sorne sort of genie that must hearken to their every
beck and call. If God doesn ' t comply with their
queries, men reject him in their vani ty of mind. The
consequences emanating from this attitude, which
permeates education, are authoritatively explained in
our free booklet
Never Befare Understood- Why
Humanity Cannot So/ve lts Evils.
you' re not
afraid of
write for your free copy today. (See
inside cover for addresses.)
Reconciling God and Science
Sorne critics assert that they cannot accept God
because religion
scienti fic
Is scientific activity altogether contrary to God's
revealed religion?
"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom.
Though it cost all you have, get understanding"
(Proverbs 4:7, N IV) . That's what your Bible says.
Granted, much of th is world's religion is tradition
and superstition, and historically has suppressed
scientific activity. But God never established these
man-made rel igious supers titions.
God expects man to develop himself, to learn
about his world and surroundings.
" It
is the glory of
God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to
search out a matter" (Prov. 25:2).
But God qualifies the kind and basis of real
knowledge: "See to it that no one takes you captive
through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which
depends on human tradition and the basic principies of
this world rather than on Christ" (Col. 2:8, NIV).
The Bible discloses important knowledge about
prehistory that is
that science knows nothing
of. This important information is also available to
you , free, in the full-length book,
The Incredible
Human Potential.
Request your copy today.
Foundation of Education
At Ambassador College, an institut ion a ffi liated with
The Plain Truth,
t he Bible is the foundational
textbook. lnscribed prominently on one of the main
buildings on the Pasadena, California campus is t.he
statement, " The Word of God is the foundation of
Basing its educational process on the revealed
purpose of man, Ambassador students learn
live as well as acquiring marketable skills.
At Ambassador , values that generate happiness,
prosperity and peace of mind are incorporated in the
academic process. Students are exposed to the
questions of human exis tence- and find the
Of course, not every one wants a college degree.
And contrary to public opinion , a college degree is
not necessary to enjoy a fulfilling, interesting
However , the basic principies revealed in the Bible
necessary for happiness.
you 'd like to begin to
establish the foundation for
education, we have
correspondence course from Ambassador
College. By enrolling in the course, you will receive
free monthly lessons about prophetic world events
and spi ri tual knowledge missing in education
today. Each lesson utilizes the Bi ble as the
Of course, there is never any obligation or
follow-up. These fascinating and gripping lessons are
offered free in the public interest. In them you will
learn, from the pages of
Bible, the purpose of
man and what God has in store.
We invite you to enroll in the Ambassador
College Bible Correspondence Course and begin
your real education today!
You Enrolled In Our Free
Ambassador College
Bible Correspondence Course?
This is a totally new . different kind of study course. designed to
lead you. by the study of your own Bible. to understand the whole
meaning of today 's world chaos. of the purpose
worked out
here below, of prophecy. of salvation.
The most vital. most importan! questions ot your lífe are thor–
oughly gone into, and you are directed to lhe clear, plain. simple
answers in your Bible! You will learn how to study the Bible-why
so few understand it . You will prove whether the Bible really is the
inspired Word of God!
Just address your letter requesting the Ambassador College
Bible Correspondence Course to the Plain Truth office nearest