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agree that a military solution won't
work. A political solution has yet to
be found that will satisfy everyone.
Then what about a religious solu–
tion? Since there is a religious con–
ftict, the only possible way to an
enduring peace must involve reli–
gion. Are both parties wi lling to
Jook in the Bible for a religious
solution to their own attitudes and
their mutual problems?
Prlnce of Peace
The Founder of true Christianity
carne to "guide our feet into the
way of peace" (Luke 1:79). What
then did he, as the "Prince of
Peace," say about the way that
brings peace?
In his "serrnon on the Mount"
Jesus said , " Biessed are the
for they shal l be called
sons of God" (Matt. 5:9). A real
Christian will make every effort to
bring about peace in his family and
comrnuni ty. He will not shelter
finance any illegal paramilitary
organization. Neither will he sup–
port and follow leaders who stir up
strife, bitterness and hatred.
Authoress Dervla Murphy ob–
served that it is wrong to assume
that only a tiny rninority of North–
ern Irish are responsible for the
troubles there. "No society could
get itself into such a mess with a
majority of its population not being
involved- not through their deeds
but tbrough words and attitudes
that create an atmosphere condu–
c ive to hatred, suspicion and
revenge" (page 185,
A Place
Apart ).
When Catholics and Protestants
battle it out with stones, fire
bombs, fists and even guns, can
they do it "in Jesus' name"? A
proverb for the wise says,
" It
is an
honor for a man to keep aloof frorn
strife; but every fool will be quar–
reling" (Prov. 20:3).
A true Christian will heed the
words of Christ, " ... every one
who is
with bis brother shaJI
be liable to judgrnent; whoever
bis brother shall be liable to
the council ..." (Matt. 5:22). Even
if others are enemies who kili and
bornb, hatred cannot be in the heart
of one who obeys Christ's words.
He also said, " Love your ene–
mies and pray for those who perse–
cute you" (Matt. 5:44). True !ove
March 1982
is out-going concern shown to
is a sharing, helping and
giving type of attitude. Where are
the true Christians in Ireland who
have this kind of love?
True Christianity is a way of
life based on !ove, helpfulness, tol–
eration and respect for other
people and their property. Too
many Irisb are involved in a way
o f life tbat includes prejudice,
hatred, discrirnination, resentment
fiery Protestant minister
and member of Parliament for Belfast, is
a key political figure in war-torn Northern
and in sorne cases, outright killing
and rnurder.
Where Violence Begins
l t has been truly said, " Ireland has
too mucb religion and not enough
Christianity." There is too much
hatred and not enough love in
Northern l reland. Young children
can often be seen with faces con–
torted by angry rage as they shout
vile curses at British soldiers or
those who bave a different reli–
Sectarian hatred and prejudice
are Iearned at horne and nourished
in the cornrnunity. The altitudes
of parents are passed on to their
child ren. lrrationa1 violence can
also be traced to the borne where
children too often are conditioned
to brutality. What do we see in
the borne?
"Anybody ... can testify to the
absence of love in the average
home; tbere is little physical affec–
tion, especially in large farni lies.
Argurnents are seldorn talked
through toa resolution. More often
than not disputes are resolved by
beatings. Violence reaches a crimi–
nal level in hundreds, perhaps thou–
sands of cases" (page 216,
by Thornas J . O'Hanlon).
To solve the l rish problem will
require cbanges in child training,
the school system and religious
instruction. Right education in all
these areas is imperative befare any
peaceful solution can be imple–
Most important of all, what's
needed is a change in the human
heart. James Callaghan, acting as
attorney general to Ireland when
still the former Home Secretary,
said in the House of Commons,
" lt
is the border in the hearts and
minds of people in Northern Ire–
Iand to which we must address our–
Peace Will Come
Although no peaceful solution
appears to be on the horizon–
because the way to peace is not
practiced-there will come a
peaceful world of tomorrow, the
time when Christ's government
will be enforced and
You can read about it in our free
The Wonderful World To–
morrow- What It Will Be Like.
The Trish drearn of the day when
ancient and horrible hatreds will be
forgotten. They dream of tbe time
when their country can live in unity
and peace- living secure lives in
happiness. The prophet l saiah said
that dream will come true when
Christ is king:
" Behold, a king will reign
in ... justice. Then justice will dwell
in the wilderness and righteousness
abide in the fruitful field. And the
effect of righteousness
be peace,
and the result of rigbteousness,
quietness and trust forever. My
people will abide in a peaceful habi–
tation, in secure dwellings, and in
quiet resting places" (lsa. 32:1, 16-
l 8).
That truly will be the day " when
Irish eyes are smiling."