John recognized that the proper
spiritual approach- repen tance–
must precede baptism. He sharply
rebuked the " religious" types of his
day, saying: " Bear fruit that befits
repentance" (Matt. 3:8, RSV) .
J ohn would have no part of baptiz–
ing those whose attitudes were
wedded to sin.
J ohn the Baptist also set the
example for the Christian ceremon–
ial form- total immersion in water.
' 'John also was baptizing in Aenon
near Salim, because there was much
water there ..." (John 3:23).
As many other New Testament
examples affirm, the on ly valid
form of baptism is total immersion
in a symbolic watery grave. Only a
complete submerging could prop–
erly picture the death and burial of
the ' 'old" man (Rom. 6:3-6). The
itself is merely a
transliteration of the Greek word
whose primary meaning is
to dip, submerge or plunge beneath
the surface
(Translator 's New Tes–
pagc 555). Any other
method is merely man-made tradi–
tion and contrary to God 's inspired
New Testament teaching.
lmportant New Testament
Of course, total immersion of and
by itself is no more effective, spiri–
tually speaking, than the scrupu–
lous washing of pots and pans.
Water has no mystical or magical
effects on the person immersed.
But the symbolism is so profound
in God's sight that the candidate
must demonstrate his repentance
and faith by literally observing the
baptismal ceremony.
So much is this true that even
after the Roman gentile Cornelius
and his household had received the
Holy Spirit before water baptism–
a very rare exception to normal
procedure- the apostle Peter said
to them: " 'Can anyone forbid
water for baptizing these people
who have received the Holy Spirit
just as we have?' And he com–
manded them to be baptized in the
name of Jesus Christ ..." (Acts
10:47-48, RSV).
The simple rite of water baptism
is meant to mark publicly a miracu–
lous change in the repentant sinner.
March 1982
is an embarking on a new, clean,
r ight way of life that will end up in
great reward and ultimate happi–
ness. Its symbolism is meant to
instill a permanent change of direc–
tion, with spiritual c leans ing
throughout the remainder of one's
natural life.
Through continua) repentance,
prayer, faith and habitual Bible
s tudy, the true Christian moves
steadily in the direction of a mature
Baptism Without Repentance?
But it is worse than useless to go
through the baptismal ceremony
without really repenting of you r
sins first. God repudiates such a
baptism. Peter, in his first sermon
following the inauguration of the
first-century Church of God on the
day of Pentecost, gives the baptis–
mal candidate the correct order of
events: "Repent [first), and [then]
be baptized every one of you ..."
(Acts 2:38).
Once you have really repented
there is no longer any reason to
delay water baptism. Six months'
probation as sorne require, or sorne
such other st ipulation, is simply not
biblically required.
Water baptism is imperative.._a
vital link in the chain of events in
reconciling yourself with God. Bap–
tism symbolically cleanses and
purifies the repentant sinner from
all his or her past.
"What are you waiting for?" Get
up and make an about-face in your
life, and then be baptized and wash
your sins away.
You need to read our free book–
lets Just What Do You Mean -
Conversion? and A// About Water
Baptism. Please request by return
Also, ministers of the Worldwide
Church of God both teach and prac–
tice the biblical doctrine of water
baptism. They are avai lable for prí–
vate counsel around the world. See
the inside front cover for our office
it, too.
tence. Many scientific minds say
it cannot be proven. And, among
the different religions, there are
as many concepts of God as
there are secta. Yet no question
remains more fundamental than
" Does God exist?".
Here, at last, are seven specific
of God' s existence.
Discover, who God is, how li te
originated and why the evolution·
ary theory is in serious error.
The free booklet
Does God
is your starting point
toward a proper relationship with
your Creator. Use the reply card
in this issue to request your copy
today or write to the
Plain Truth
ollice nearest you.