that work
one step at a time.
however , is now for the first time
building a few supercomputers that
allow multiple steps to be executed
simultaneous ly. What makes com–
puters so astounding is that they
operate so much faster-millions of
t imes faste r - than the human
Nevertheless, brain researchers
forced to admit that the
human brain is a far more complex
parallel processor. The human
brain is designed to bandle many
tasks, perhaps thousands simulta–
neously instead of one step at a
time . Moreover, human brain
researchers don't understand what
causes humanity's enormously su–
perior intellect- man's vast cre–
compared with insti nc–
tual ani mal brain. The surprising
answer t hat distinguishes man's
mind from mere brain power is
found in our free booklet tit led
Never Before Understood- Why
Humanity Cannot So/ve lts Evils.
Write for your free copy.
Although a computer is extremely
fast, it is incapable of doing anything
but carrying out the instructions
(program) written out for it and
placed into it by human beings.
Human beings therefore must exer–
cise great care in programming. Pro–
gramming must be absolutely unam–
biguous, precise and complete to the
last detail to be safe and reliable.
lf it's been programmed todo so,
intentionally or carelessly, a com–
puter will accept everything fed
into it as "right" knowledge.
sorne unknown human program–
ming Aaw or datum entry exists, a
computer doesn't know the differ–
accepts it as r ight and will
produce a million incorrect answers
as fast as a million correct ones.
Fed a program that is mistaken, a
military computer might send off
missi les in a wrong direction or tire
warheads at the wrong time.
Neit her does a computer have
has no choice.
a dumb automaton though it per–
forms amazing calculations at
incomprehensible speeds. A com–
puter has no personal judgments,
no personal values.
will work
uncaringly, nonjudgmentally, on
anything one feeds it, according to
its program.
is only a tool,
whether for good or evil.
Remember, too, a computer fed
factually accurate information–
whether physical, mathematical or
chemical-can use that informa–
tion for either beneficial or harmful
For instance, accurate human
knowledge can be put into a com–
puter to maneuver a manned space–
ship to land precisely on a cer tain
spot on the moon . The same tech–
nology can aJso be used to pinpoint
a nuclear warhead on a city and
annihilate every human being in it.
What makes computers' function
right or wrong is their
True Cause of Man ' s Problema
Computers may be used to discover
the correct aeronautical design for
a new kind of airplane wing, or the
atomic st ructure of a needed indus–
trial chemical, but can they be used
to discover the true causes of juve–
ni le del inquency? Or mental ill–
ness? Or hate or war?
The natural human mind only
comprehends knowledge man can
learn through the five senses.
That's the knowledge and data he
puts into his computers. He may
learn there are certain emotionaJ–
physicaJ relationships in human
affairs. But he doesn't comprehend
that there are spiritual laws govern–
ing them that, when broken, pro–
duce such tragic problems.
No computer p rogram with
materialistic data or natural hu•
manly discoverable knowledge will
cause man to understand that he is
breaking these spiritual laws!
Cut Off from Splrltual Knowledge
But wouldn't a loving God make
known to man the critically essential
knowledge of his spiritual laws so
necessary to solve human problems?
The answer is, he did- and still
does! God revealed to the first
human couple, Adam and Eve, the
way to perfect peace, prosperity
and happiness. God revealed to
them the way to every good bless–
ing humans could want in life,
including eterna! life.
But the first human couple
rejected knowledge from their Cre–
ator. They listened to Satan (Gen.
3). By their act of disobedience
they chose to rebel against God's
reveaJed spirit ual knowledge and in
its place they decided to determine
for themselves what they thought
was right and wrong.
Later, God c hose a s peci a l
nation- a ncien t I sr ael-and re–
vealed to t hem the way man ought
to live, and the consequences for
fai ling to live that way. Through
specially chosen human instru–
ments in anc ient Israel, God
inspired the Bible to be written so
man could know, if he wanted to,
the right way to live. But most of
mankind has rejected that revealed
knowledge. Mankind as a conse–
quence still doesn't understand t he
spiritual cause of his problems.
Computer s Comprehend the
How then can man understand the
spiritual laws and get in harmony
with them? How does a person
comprehend his proper relationshi p
to his Creator, or to his neighbor,
mate or children?
It is by
spi ri tual knowl–
Spiri tual understanding comes
from God's Spirit when one, in a
humble, obedient frame of mind,
reads God's holy written word–
the Bible.
The love that fulfills God's law,
explains your Bible, is spiritual
love, spir itual faith, spiritual
is the "love of
God ... shed abroad in our hearts
by the Holy [Spi ri t]" (Rom. 5:5).
This spiritual love and power is
what man needs to solve bis spiritual
problems. Data from a computer
alone won't reveal it, because man
does not know how to formulate a
computer program that reveaJs spiri–
tual knowledge and t ruths.
Neither can a computer impart
to you the strength to apply spiri–
tual laws. That comes only directly
from God 's Holy Spir it into human
minds that repent of sins, that
beseech God for help and power to
walk in his spiritual laws.
Is it any wonder that human
tech no logists a rmed only with
human reasoning and physical data
cannot el iminate crime, mental ill-
(Continued on page 34)