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Personal from.. .
(Continued from page 1)
happiness, prosperity and eterna)
1 repeat again and again, there is
of necessity a cause for every
effect. The effect is appalling trou–
bles, evils and sufferings world–
wide, paradoxically simultaneous
with awesome human progress and
achievement in material and me–
chanical progress.
The insolvable problems, trou–
bles and sufferings are caused by a
wrong way of life. But humanity
has never learned the only way of
life that can CAUSE happiness,
peace and the rich blessings that
are spiritual in nature. That way of
life is Goo'S WAY OF LIFE.
Humanity has never come to the
KNOWLEDGE of that way of life.
is the spiritual way of life, and
knowledge of that way is indiscov–
erable by man on his own.
be revealed .
can be revealed only
through the Holy Spirit of God.
And there are two major conditions
to receiving God's Spirit and the
begettal of eterna! LIFE. Those two
conditions seem to be the most dif–
ficult for a human to perform.
T he first is admit you are
WRONG. That seems to be the
most difficult for any person to do.
means submit to confessing you
are wrong- not only in what you
have believed, what you have done,
but in what you ARE!
submission. T he biblical term for
it is "repent," but few- even the–
ologians- know what it really
means the kind of
change of mind and heart that
almost no one is wi lling to make.
And second, almost as rare, is to
Many still wi ll say they believe
in God- that is, such a Being
exists. Bu t they do not believe
HIM-they do not believe what he
says. The firs t created human ,
Adam, did not believe him, even
though God spoke to him in person,
face to face. God carne in the per–
son of Jesus Chris t. Jesus pro–
claimed his Message to multiple
thousands of people for three and a
half years. Yet only 120 believed
what he said.
So the world does not know, or
February 1982
live, God's way of life. What is
God's way of life? lt's the way God
God has lived eternally. You
read of the beginnings of all things
in the Bible in Jobo 1:1-4, 14. God
was eternally DUAL-two spirit
Personages forming one God. One
was "the Word" or Spokesman, the
other was God; yet "the Word"
also was God. And the Word was
born as a human, Jesus Christ, God
With Us, in human flesh. In him
was LIFE. H e lived . God, who
became the Father of Jesus, also
lived- had LIFE inherent. But HOW
did ·they live?
Ah-that, the way they lived and
do live, is Goo's WAY OF LIFE.
They lived the way of mutual LOVE,
cooperation , teamwork, concern
The peace negotiations
are not going to bring
peace-only the
intervention of God
Almighty himself can.
each for the other, loyalty. Two
cannot walk together except they
be agreed. They have n ever
changed, but have remained the
same yesterday, today and forever.
So J esus reflected their attitude
toward each other. H e was the
Word, yet he said he had spoken
only what the Father had com–
manded him. So God was Head.
But there was mutual loyalty,
agreement and LOVE. God said,
"This is my beloved Son, in whom
1 am well pleased," when Jesus was
about 30 years old.
Love is always outflowing.
giving, not getting. Cooperating,
not competing. Helping, not hin–
God made that way of life his
divine eterna! spiritual Law. Sin is
the t ransgression of that Law. And
all humans have sinned. The penal–
ty of sin is DEATH- the second
death-eternal death. But Jesus
loved us all enough to pay that
supreme penalty for us in our stead.
He had not sinned or come under
its penalty-yet he paid the penal-
ty- for vou and for ME- IF we
repent and believe, and live Goo's
No, as 1 said to President Muba–
rak in Cairo, we humans cannot
bring peace by our own efforts. But
intervene, send Christ in
all the supreme POWER and GLORY
of the Creator Goo, to set up the
KINGDOM OF Goo, the super d ivine
nat ion to rule all nations with
Goo's WAY OF LIFE. And that will
CAUSE world peace, conteritment,
happiness, joy, and bring us ETER–
(Continued f rom page 6)
history of the Middle East have had
to confront a more imposing agen–
da upon taking office.
Among the challenges he faces
at home are reforming a deteriorat–
ing economy and stemming the rise
of Is lamic extremism that has
already threatened national unity.
Abroad, President Mubarak wi ll
have to deal with the knotty nego–
t iations on Palestinian autonomy,
continuing tensions with Arab
neighbors and the threat of Soviet
inroads into the region.
To date, Egypt's new President
has successfully weathered a crucial
transitional period. He has won the
respect and confidence of the Egyp–
tian population at large, and com–
mands the loyalty of his colleagues in
government and the military.
President Mubarak will have to
continue to muster all the strengths
he has brought to the Egyptian
presidency if he is to successfully
come to grips with the immense
challenges facing Egypt.
And even then, the onrush of
events in the volati le Middle East
could prove overwhelming. o
For the Record
In "Comparative Expenditures" chart
accompanying the December (January
in sorne areas) edition's article " The
World ls an Armed Camp," GNP fig–
ures for the United States should have
been 1,696, 119 million dollars. Also
military expendilures for lraq should
read 1,659 million dollars. lndia's edu–
cation expenses 2,326 million dollars.