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Not since the days of Napoleon have
such far-reaching changes been set in
motion in France.
Clayton Steep
in 1981, broke with the past. A
spectacular series of prophetic events
involving all Europe is being set in
The Socialist slogan in last year's election promised
the French they would be "Living otherwise." And
that's precisely what the citizens of France will be
doing- at work, at play, in school and in the military if
the new Socialist government can fulfill its goals.
In many respects it amounts to the restructuring of a
whole society. The sweeping social and economic transfor–
mation is spear-headed by the most extensive program of
nationalization ever undertaken by a Western democracy.
Overseeing this massive effort, Socialist President
Francois Mitterrand has declared, "1 am doing through
nationalization what de Gaulle did in the field of nuclear
strategy: I am giving France her economic
force de
Other Nations Watch
Measures immediately discussed by the newly elected
government included a 10 percent raise in the mínimum
wage. A 25 percent increase in allowance for the handi–
capped, poor and elderly. More vacation time for all
workers on salary. A shortening of the basic work week
from 40 to 35 hours and the creation of thousands of new
government jobs.
Particularly important are steps to deal directly with
was one of the greatest concerns among
the French electorate. By itself, the number of young
people entering the job market each year requires the cre–
ation of 250,000 jobs just to keep the employment rate
Brucelle- Sygms; /nset Photo by Erwiii - Magnum