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Why We Proclaim aMessage
Míchael A. Snyder
Few know the awesome changes soon to take place in human affairs.
nounce the good
news of the coming
government of God to rule all
For that matter, why did
Jesus announce to the world of
His day,
must preach the
good news of the kíngdom of
God to the other cities also; for
was sent for this purpose"?
(Luke 4:43 , Revised Standard
You live today in a world of war–
ring política! ideologies. Pick any
continent and you'll find monar–
chies, theocracies, aristocracies,
dictatorships, democracies, socialist
and communi s t societies and
Why Change ls Coming
Look at the condition of our socie–
ty. Violent crime and riots are com–
monplace wor ldwide. Economic
recession, high interest and con–
tinuing inflation beset businesses.
Speculators undermine national
currencies. And, difficult as it is to
comprehend, the nations arm them–
selves for a nuclear doom.
Has the world taken leave of its
These quest ions we need to
answer! Wbere are we heading?
What is going to happen to save
humanity from nuclear extinction?
Tbe year 1981 was ·the year of
tbe assassin. Do you ever consider
why U.S. President Ronald Reagan
and Pope John Paul 11 were targets
of assassination ? And wby the
untimely murder of Egyptian Pres–
ident Anwar Sadat?
We need to wake up to the
meaning of what is happening!
Lenin once said that política! ref–
ugees vote with their feet. So, there
is now a thunderous cacophony,
worldwide, of nearly nine million
polít ica! refugee "votes" sounding
fortl\ the basic inability of man to
govern himself!
Wbile you bold tbis magazine in
your hands, million s of men ,
women, and especially children just
like you are homeless, disease-rid–
den, starving. It's not a pleasant
thought or sight. Most people
sbrug it off. It's too much effort to
think about it.
Yes, it's a harsh, ugly, sick world
we live in.
But why? What is the hope of tbe
future? In the face of vast areas of
starvation and squalor, other people
enjoy almost incomprehensible life–
styles because of technological
advances. Awesome computer banks
link the earth; electronic communi–
cation transmits knowledge at the
speed of light; man hurls sophisti–
cated probes at distaót planets-he
maps the earth from orbit ing photo–
graphic platforms.
Amid this supreme paradox of
technology and human .suffering,
the voice of the propbet críes out:
"The way of peace they know not"
(Isa. 59:8).
The root cause of the trouble and
confusion of this world is centered
in the issue of government.
Governments ultimately are re–
sponsible for wbatever good or evil
characterizes society. What human
governmen t is great enough to
bring peace, prosperity and joy to
the human heart? Certainly the
governments of tbe world's two
superpowers have not achieved tbis
goal of government!
Former U .S. President Richard
Nixon asserts in his book
The Real
"The next two decades repre–
sent a time of maximum crisis
... during wbich the fate of the
world for generations to come may
well be determined."
Other economic, política! and
military experts are equalJy pessi–
mistic about man's ability to solve
his problems. We can now begin to
Jesus Christ brought a
message of
governmént- tbe
ernment of God!
Why can't humans properly gov–
ern themselves?
American philosopher Henry
Thoreau, in bis essay on civil dis–
obédience, summarized it well:
"The government itself, which is
only the mode which the people
have chosen to execute their will , is
equally liable to be abused and per–
verted before the people can act
through it."