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Roderick C. Meredith
Here is the SEVENTH LAW of radiant health. Breaking it can undo all the benefits
attained through healthful living-often witb frigbtening speed.
driving home from
Fresno, California, at
night when it hap–
It had been a
long day. 1 was t ired but
relaxed behind the wheel of
the car after a good din ner en
route. We were nearing the
end of our 440-mi le round
trip from Los Angeles
to Fresno and back.
As we drove through
the tunnels on the Pasa–
dena Freeway, a litt le
dark-green sports car
went out of control. It
careened agai nst t he
side of the tunnel and
bounced back, blocking
two lanes- and the fel–
low just ahead of me. He
had to slam on his brakes
but could not avoid hitting
the sports car.
1 cou ldn't believe how
quickly it al/ happened!
l hit my brake quickly, but 1 had
virtuaJiy no time to slow down- for
1 was probably following too close–
ly. So my car skidded sideways–
also blocking two lanes. Fortunatc–
ly, there was no one following
closely behind me or 1 might not be
here to write this.
Even then, we skidded down the
highway and bumped the car just
ahead-<:ausing considerable dam–
age to both vehicles. My wife was
not inj ured, but a young woman
February 1982
panying us was thrown against the
rear car-door handle and received a
severe bruise on her hip, which gave
her discomfort for severa! weeks.
In the original wreck, the ca–
reening sports-car driver was
severely injured and had to be tak–
en away by arnbulance. He lived,
but suffered severely, and was sud–
den ly faced with huge medica!
bi lis. His car was completely
He was for tunate to be alive.
And so were we.
lt Can Happen So Fast
Obviously, no accident is planned.
They suddenly hit you or seemingly
leap at you with frightening
Yet, careful analysis reveals that
they should have been ex–
pected. Accidents may involve
your lifestyle, your activities
and perhaps equipment
or vehicles.
All of us s hould
realize, also, that
things often go in
cycles. You may have
no accidents in your
immediate family for
a few years. Then all
of a sudden you will
have one, your child
will have one and per–
haps another close
family member o r
friend as well.
Precisely because of
this, and because accidents
happen so quickly- with such
sickening speed and harshness that
we may not have experienced for
years- it is imperative that we take
thought and preventative measures
ahead of time.
Accidents can instan tly take
from you the fruits of literally
of obeying the other six
laws of health-summarized two
months ago in
The Plain Truth.
You can eat a proper, balanced
diet, get regular, vigorous exer-