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Personal from...
Meeting Egypt's New President
in the
Middle East continues to boil
over. Even the Polish crisis has
not taken world attention off the
Middle East.
Right now we are in the recess between
World War
and World War III-the
nuclear war that would blast all humanity off
this planet except for the supernatural
intervention of God Almighty. And the final
massing of the world's armies at
ARMAGEDDON wi ll occur on a battlefield north
of Jerusalem.
We should be tre–
mendously interested,
therefore, in the Mid–
d le East.
Somewbat more than
a year ago, in October,
I had personal visits
with both Prime Minis–
ter Menachem Begin of
Israel a nd President
Anwar Sadat of Egypt.
Last October 6, on the
eighth anniversary of
the Yom Kippur war
initiated by Mr. Sadat,
the whole world was
shocked by the assassi–
nation of Anwar Sadat.
He was in the reviewing
stand watching the an–
niversary military pa–
rade. I had expected to
have another private meeting with the Egyptian
president this past November.
did have the private meeting w.ith the Egyptian
president on November 21 last-but with the new
president, Hosni Mubarak, in bis palace in Cairo.
February 1982
President Mubarak has received little publicity in
the United States, and is not known by the public in
the Western world as was Anwar Sadat. Yet he is now
a very important world leader in the explosive Middle
East, and
think the Western world needs to know
more about him. I therefore devoted an entire télecast
to my meeting with him, and we are devoting the
cover article
this issue of
The Plain Truth,
and this
"Personal," to him and Egypt's role in the peace
process started in the Camp David meetings with
former U.S. president, Jimmy Carter.
As I said plainly to President Mubarak, the
peace negotiations áre not going to bring peace.
Only the intervention of God Almighty himself,
and establishment of the Kingdom of God-a
over all nations-can
bring us peace. Hosni
Mubarak agreed. But
we both agreed that
·efforts of national
leaders toward peace
should be carried on.
We should do what
we can. But it will
require the
supernatural power of
the Great God to do
what we humans
cannot do for
As long as humans
are ruled by human
nature there can be no
peace. We humans ·
... cannot achieve peace
by ourselves- it
have to be done
us! Jesus Christ, soon to come
in the supreme
of God
Almighty will have to
the people of earth
to live Goo's w
of life-to
humans to
enjoy peace, contentment,
(Continued on page 45)