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The year 198 1 was not a good year
for the Caribbean. The a r ca
depends to a great extent on tour–
ism. So the economic crunch in the
United States has made it a hard
year for tiny nations who depend on
Those islands dependent upon
agricultural exports have also had a
difficult year. The slump in world
sugar prices has made it all but
impossible to make a profit.
A Few Bright Spots
One bright economic spot in the
area is Barbados, where the govern–
ment seems dedicated to free enter–
prise with the mínimum o f govern–
ment inte rvention. Another is Trin–
idad, where, in spite of problems in
the infrastructure, the wealth
gai ne d from expo rted oil has
enabled the Trinidadian people to
(Continued from page 39)
storm to rout the Philistine a rmies
preparing for battle against the
Is raelites
Sam. 7:10).
Prophecles for Today
But is God s till directing the affairs
of nations
the fast-mov–
ing world of the 1980s?
experience an increasi ng standard
o f living.
Another is J amaica. For more
than five years Jamaica was the
big question mark in t he Carib–
bean. In a landmark election, the
socialist People's National Party,
which had ruled the country for
two terms, was thrown out of
office. New Prime Minister Ed–
ward Seaga began 1981 with an
effort by the J amaica Labour Par–
ty to undo t he policies of former
social ist Prime Minister , Michael
Manley. Both the tourist industry
as well as the manufactur ing sec–
tor were practically devastated
during the term of the previous
No end of controversy sur–
rounds the leftist government of
the tiny island of Gre nada. Its
Prime Minister, Maurice Bishop,
who led the coup that replaced
Eric Gairy in 1979, has not held
the free elections that were prom–
The s truggle for prest ige in the
Caribbean between the U nited
Amazingly, sorne 90 percent of
Bible prophecy is
yet to be fulfi /led!
Is it logical, then, to believe that
these prophecies would ignore the
major power centers of today- the
United States, the British Common–
wealth, Western Europe, the Middle
East, t he Soviet Union?
God is still
active in world
affairs-possibly now more tban
ever before! Yet few are aware of it!
Staggering events are dueto erupt
States and Cuba colors much of
t he region 's politics. From the
increased participation of Cuba in
Caribbean c ultural and spo rts
activit ies it is evident that Fidel
Castro has launched a campaign
to win the minds of the Caribbean
Puerto Rico and t h e U.N.
Another problem that is likely to
gain attention is Puerto Rico's sta–
tus. The people of Puerto Rico
probably have the highest standard
of living in the arca due in part to
the millions of doll ars of aid
received from the United States.
The big problem facing Puerto
Rico is more psychological than
economi c at t he moment. The
dilemma that confronts Puerto
Rico is, what does it want to
become, politically? Will it retain
its commonwealth relationship with
the Uni ted States? Will it become
the 51st s tate?
A small but vocal minor ity pre–
fers neither of the above choices
but wants total independence. This
view is backed by Cuba and others
who dccry Puerto Rico's alleged
colonial st atus.
The U.S. Decolonizat ion Com–
mittee has succeeded in getting the
question of Puerto Rico's relation–
ship with the United States placed
on the agenda for the 1982 General
Assembly of the U.N. The Uni ted
States and the present government
of Puerto Rico deny that t he U.N.
has any jurisdiction in their inter–
na! matters. But, the fact is t he
Unit ed States is going to be
increasing ly isolated in the Carib–
bean over the Puerto Rico status
-Stan Bass
on the world scene in tbe years just
ahead. l t is time to awake to the real
meaning behind current events! We
can know what lies ahead.
Wr ite for. t he revealing fre.e book
The United S tates and Britain in
by Herbert W. Arm–
provides a fascinat ing look
al what the Bible says lies in store for
the world during the coming years of
crisis- an d t he
good news
beyond t hat! o