tureS-IN CONFUSION! And then
the people of thís degenerate world
suppose ít ís just NATURAL to be
A líttle baby will put about
everythíng in reach into his mouth.
seems most of our adul ts are s till
doing it.
we like the taste-<>r
develop a perverted taste- we
think it must be good food! But
everything that grows is NOT good
food. Nor is every animal good for
Many chíldren are raised on a
diet of wh ite bread , jellies and
jams, potatoes with greasy and
starchy gravy, a little meat , pie and
cake and cookies and pastríes and
candy. Sorne will ask: " Well, what
we eat?"
Eat more vegeta bl es-green
leafy raw salad vegetables un–
spoiled by injurious dressings; non–
starch vegetables cooked at low
temperatures- about 180 de–
grees-and served with only butter
and a little salt; fresh fruits; clean
lean meats (NO FAT) ; whole grains;
fresh raw {unpas te urized) milk,
butter, cheese; eggs and cl ean
1 have had space only to scrape
the surface of t his subject. Perhaps
sometime 1 may find time to write
more fully and in more detaíl.
But befare ending, 1 want to
give you a little of what our Cre–
ator says about health and sick–
is God's will that we be IN
HEALTH ( Ill J o h n 2). God
intended us to obey His laws–
His physical laws that operate in
our bodies for good health as well
as His spiritua l Law. Yet He
knew our weaknesses and rebel–
lious nature. When we repent of
breaking His spiritual Law and
transgressing agains t Him, our
Joving and merciful Father has
provided a way for removing the
penalty-through J esus' sacrifice,
paying the penalty in our stead.
In like manner, when nature's
Jaws have been broken , this is
God's instruction to those who have
become His begotten children:
" l s any sick among you? Let him
cal! for tbe elders of the church;
and Jet t hem pray over him, anoint–
ing him witb oi l in the name of the
Lord : and
the prayer of faith
save the sick, and the. Lord shall
raise him up; and if he have com–
mitted síns, they shall be forgiven
him" (Jas. 5:14- 15).
Notice important specific points
in that instruction.
says the
prayer of FAITH shall save the sick.
But James also says (chapter 1:6-7)
that if one's faith wavers, he will
not receive the answer. Yet also, in
t he " faith chapter" of the Bible,
Hebrews 11 , we read this, "He that
cometh to God must BELIEVE that
and that he is a REWARDER of
them that diligently seek h im"
(verse 6).
And again, what we ask of Him
we receive BECAUSE we keep His
Commandments, a nd do those
things that please Him
So, although God
does hea/,
there are conditions- we do have
our part to perform.
Notice further: When the sick
carne to Jesus, He healed them,
"That it might be fulfilled which
was spoken by lsaiah the prophet,
saying, Himself took our infi rmi–
ties, and ba re our sicknesses"
(Matt. 8: 17) . And 1 Peter 2:24, " by
ye were healed."
Befare Jesus was crucified , H e was
beaten- paying the penalty of our
tran sg ressio ns in our
s tead.
This kind of healing-and noth–
ing else
actual HEALING- is a
divine miracle, FORGJVING physical
sin- and removing its penalty.
taken lightly- not to be made a
mockery of by fanatical and wi ld
public demons trations in "healing
meetings." J esus healed- the apos–
tles heaJed- He gave AUTHORITY
to His ministers to heal- but t hey
did it quietly, without demonstra–
tion, as a ministry of LOVE- not as
a highly publicized circus sideshow
to attract crowds.
This sort of sensational " d ivine
heal ing" is NOT the way of God.
Such practices today have only
brought ridicule aild discredit and
in no sense do 1 advocate o r
approve them! The courts and law–
enforcing agencies, as a result of
these UNSCRIPTURAL divine healing
practices, are completely' host ile to
divine healing. But what J esus did,
and commissioned His t rue minis–
ters to do, IS SOMETHING ALTO–
Real healing by God's power is a
matter o f FORGIVING SIN- s ir
against the physical body. Read
Luke 5: 18-26. None but Go D can
forgive s in (verse 2 1). Doctors,
therefore, CANNOT HEAL. They can
nature's laws- but that
is not HEALI NG.
Do we, the n , advise people
going to medica! doctors?
By NO MEANS. Doctors bave their
place in this world . But the healing
that God performs is NOT OF THIS
1 have answered the call of
thousands, who have come to me
for prayer for healing. Many
been healed- miraculously- of
even cancer and an advanced case,
in a hospital, of leukemia. On the
other hand, many
have not
healed. Yet 1 have prayed with
the same faith for the one as the
WHY are many not heale d ?
J esus said it is ACCORDI NG TO
YOUR FAITH. Perhaps they did not
fully believe. Perhaps they were
not obedient. Perhaps they should
read J ames 4:3, where it says: " Ye
ask, and receive not,
... "
And you may read the answer
So Jet me make this p lain.
THE DOCTOR of medicine: 1 DO
NOT KNOW whether
will be
healed by God- because 1 cannot
know whether you have the faith,
a re conforming to God' s condi–
tions, have really re pen ted and
turned from violating God's laws.
1 do not leave people without ANY
help-for, if they do not have the
faith, have not repented, are not
keeping God's Commandments,
they· probably won't be healed,
and 1 cannot advise them against
the only help they might have–
that which t his world 's society has
set up. Healing by God is NOT a
thing to experiment with!
But, why not salve this whole
question by avoiding the CAUSE of
sickness and disease- and KEEP–
ING HEALTHY in the first place?
The n t here is NO PROBLEM, is