He sticketh not to spend his life with his wife. and remembereth neither father, nor mother,
nor country.
By this also ye must know that women have dominion over you: do ye not labour and toil,
and give and bring all to the woman?
Yea, a man taketh his sword, and goeth his way to rob and to steal, to sail upon the sea and
upon rivers;
And looketh upon a lion, and goeth in the darkness; and when he hath stolen, spoiled, and
robbed, he bringeth it to his love.
Wherefore a man loveth his wife better than father or mother.
Yea, many there be that have run out of their wits for women, and become servants for their
Many also have perished, have erred, and sinned, for women.
And now do ye not believe me? is not the king great in his power? do not all regions fear to
touch him?
Yet did I see him and Apame the king's concubine, the daughter of the admirable Bartacus,
sitting at the right hand of the king,
And taking the crown from the king's head, and setting it upon her own head; she also struck
the king with her left hand.
And yet for all this the king gaped and gazed upon her with open mouth: if she laughed upon
him, he laughed also: but if she took any displeasure at him, the king was fain to flatter, that she
might be reconciled to him again.
O ye men, how can it be but women should be strong, seeing they do thus?
Then the king and the princes looked one upon another: so he began to speak of the truth.
O ye men, are not women strong? great is the earth, high is the heaven, swift is the sun in his
course, for he compasseth the heavens round about, and fetcheth his course again to his own place
in one day.
Is he not great that maketh these things? therefore great is the truth, and stronger than all
All the earth crieth upon the truth, and the heaven blesseth it: all works shake and tremble at
it, and with it is no unrighteous thing.
Wine is wicked, the king is wicked, women are wicked, all the children of men are wicked,
and such are all their wicked works; and there is no truth in them; in their unrighteousness also
they shall perish.
As for the truth, it endureth, and is alwaYs strong; it liveth and conquereth for evermore.
With her there is no accepting of persons or rewards; but she doeth the things that are just,
and refraineth from all unjust and wicked things; and all men do well like of her works.
Neither in her judgment is any unrighteousness; and she is the strength, kingdom, power, and
majesty, of all ages. Blessed be the God of truth.
KJV Bible